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Valerie awoke with a headache, most likely from passing out. She groaned as she stood up, looking around her whereabouts.

The door opened to the small room, revealing an average looking girl. Knowing not to judge a book by its cover, Valerie waited for her to talk. "So, you're probably confused." Valerie scoffed "Understatement." The girl just rolled her eyes at her.

"I'm guessing you're aware that you're pregnant right?" She just glared at her in response. "I'll take that as a yes." Valerie rolled her eyes already not liking this girl. "Anyway, we just need you until Klaus gets here and decides to help us."

"I should kill you, with my bare hands."

The girl looked scared for a second then smirked. "I'm afraid I've linked your life to mine so if I die, you die." Valerie glared at her. "Why exactly do you need Klaus here? And who even are you?" The girl rolled her eyes. "I'm Sophie Deveraux, I'm apart of the coven here."

Valerie groaned "Witches." Sophie smirked. "Yep and we need Klaus to help us, the witches have been banned from doing magic here and we need him."

She scoffed at her. "Good luck with that, even if you're linked with me he'll never help you."

"I wouldn't be too sure on that, I mean you are carrying his baby right?" Valerie rolled her eyes at her. "You must know nothing about Klaus then, do you really think the most powerful hybrid would break for a child." When she got no answer she looked down, upset herself. "Didn't think so."

The witch huffed out in annoyance and left the room, closing the (goddamn) door on her way out. As soon as she couldn't hear footsteps anymore, Valerie shot up and looked around for an escape.

She searched for half an hour but was disappointed to find nothing but walls. Suddenly, the door opened again to reveal Sophie, again.

"What is it now?"

"Klaus is here, time to come out." Valerie glared at her as she walked past her, keeping her distance just in case. As they walked closer to the originals Valerie started to hear muffled voices. "I don't need to hear her out. I assure you, love, there is not a thing on this earth that will matter enough for me to waste even thirty more seconds of my time. Elijah, what madness is this?"

Valerie enters the mausoleum with a few others. "Valerie? What's going on?"
Sophie smirked "Marcel may be able to keep up from practicing real magic in this town, but as keepers of the balance we still know when nature has cooked up something new. For example, I have a special gift...of sensing when a girl is pregnant."

All amusement left Klaus' face. "What?" Valerie rolled her eyes at his dramatic state. "I know it's impossible..." Klaus continued ignoring the comment. "What are you saying?" Elijah smiled "Niklaus...the girl is carrying your child."

"No. It's impossible. Vampires cannot procreate." Sophie nodded "But werewolves can. Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf. You're the Original hybrid, the first of your kind, and this pregnancy is one of nature's loopholes."

Klaus fights for control over his facial expression before he turns to Valerie and shouts at her. "You've been with someone else, admit it!" Valerie looks away hurt bu his accusation. "Hey, I've spent days held captive in a freaking alligator bayou because they think that I'm carrying some magical miracle baby. Don't you think I would've fessed up if it wasn't yours?"

"My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy. Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us." By their surprised expressions, this is news to Elijah and Valerie. "Oh boo hoo, shouldn't of done the spell then."

Sophie glared at her. "If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Valerie won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress." Valerie just shrugged, she couldn't name one reason why she would want to stay alive anyway. Maybe for Damon but that's it.

"Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead, he's dead. I'll do it myself." Sophie shook her head "No. We can't, not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow, and there are rules."

Klaus, who had turned away, turns slowly to face Sophie, his anger barely restrained and his voice frighteningly quiet. "How dare you command me... threaten me, with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses. I won't hear any more lies." He moves to leave.

"Niklaus. Listen."

Klaus turns toward Valerie, from whose abdomen he can hear a rapid heartbeat. Klaus listens in wonderment for a few long moments, meets Valerie's eyes, guilt hidden away in them. He then turns back to Elijah.

"Kill the baby, see if I care." Valerie gasped at his harshness and quickly brought her hands to stroke her stomach softly as if she was comforting the small baby. It was at that moment, she decided she wouldn't let a soul hurt her child.

TROUBLESOME LOVE ( KLAUS MIKAELSON ) TWOKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat