First Lesson

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Dear readers I'm going to start connecting simba's pride with my story I hope you enjoy.

Kovu's point of view.
I followed Simba to the watering hole and stayed behind a rock. I was waiting for my chance to attack when Kiara jumped in front me. "Morning I'm ready for my first lesson surprised ya huh?" I looked back while she was pouncing around and Simba was gone. "Hey come on let's go." I followed her out into the pride lands to begin her lesson in hunting. I was laying on the ground waiting for her to attack me and I could hear her talking through the grass and she was breathing too hard. This was our second round. "3,2,I." I ducked my head and she pounced. "Got ya." She then went flying over my head and landing on her back. I walked over to her and looked at her. "You can hear me huh?" She asked almost laughing. "Only a lot you're still breathing too hard, relax feel the earth under your paws, does it shift when you move?" I watched her dig her claws into the dirt when I heard birds flying. I got in position to show her how it was done. "Watch the master and learn." I bounded to the top of the hill jumping and roaring on to a meerkat. "Ahh don't eat me please, I never really met your tyrant except uh Scar a heck of a guy a little moody." I restrained myself as he backed away and Kiara came up. "Timon what are you doing here?"
"Kiara thank goodness hey for once we're not following ya this just happens to be the biggest smorestborg in the pride lands, bugs everywhere but you don't call for a reservation and yessh get out of here you scavengers go on shoo." The bird then bit Timon's nose and I started looking around while he was trying to get rid of the birds. I saw Kion and Pumba was with him and so was a honey badger. "Rarr." Pumba was pretending to roar at the birds but it didn't do much except make the birds sit on him. "Oh Timon I'm getting tired I need to lose some pounds." Timon then climbed onto him yelling shoo to the birds and I couldn't help but laugh along with Kiara and Kion.

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