3. Rule

288 14 6

Brick's POV

"And my name is Butch." Butch answers with a grin on his face and of course without any manners since we're not on kingdom grounds. If dad finds out about how his manners are really like he would definitely be dead by now.

"And since we told you our names then I guess you should tell us yours, you know just to be fair." At first they looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Very well then, you can call me Blossom."
The one in the middle says calmly.

"My name is Bubbles." The one on her right said with a sweet smile and in the corner of my eye I noticed that Boomer was blushing which cause my mouth to form a small smirk , too small for anyone to noticed but it surprised me that Blossom noticed it. She has sharp eyes for a girl, we got to watch out for her.

"And my name is Buttercup." The one on Blossoms left said enthusiastically with the same attitude as Butch.

"Well I'm sorry to bother you but we have certain rules for trespassers and that is to show your strength that is if you have experience in fighting then you are allowed to explore this jungle and if you are unwilling to fight then you have my permission to leave this island and never come back." Blossom said seriously with a calm voice but serious . "But since we don't want to waste our time then at least one of you should fight one of us."

Then what if the travelers brought children with them, do they have to fight too? What if the travelers can't fight at all, what are they going to do , just make them leave even though they don't have anything to sail home with?.

When I was about to ask some questions to them I was cut of by Butch

"Then I guess that's where I come in. LETS DO THIS THING!!!." Butch shouted out loud enough for the hole jungle to hear in my opinion, my ears are already on the verge of breaking from how loud he is yelling.

"Since you asked for it then I guess I shouldn't refuse, YOU'RE ON !!!" Buttercup shouts not loosing to Butch. These two sure are loud. But before she
makes a move Blossom whispers something in her ear.

They start charging at each other at the same time. Butch pulled out his sword and Buttercup charged with the long stick she has been holding this hole time.

Buttercup lift up her stick and tris to hit butch with it but Butch blocked her attack at the right time.

"Not bad." Buttercup said to Butch while trying to push her stick against Butchs sword.

"Thanks, your not bad yourself... For a girl."
Butch tried to intimidate Buttercup while still resisting her push. Butch then pulled back his sword and jumped back, after all , he isn't that stupid to just waste his energy on blocking the girl.

This time it was Butchs turn to attack. He attacked her on her side giving Buttercup a surprise attack, but she dodged it just in time. Butch then guickly launched himself at Buttercup she tried to block it and she succeeded by a tiny bit because butch had already plant a scrape in her arm, it was deep but it wasn't enough to give her a scar.


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