1. Shipwreck

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There lived a king in the kingdom of ziraveth with three great heirs to the throne, Each with their own unique talents.

But unfortunately a war is about to start and their kingdom was short on mining supplies and crude oil for their weapons. And So the king has decided to send his three sons to go set sail to sea and find an island, and not just any island, but an island that has good mining supplies and crude oil and might also use the island to expand their kingdom. But the king won't allow them to come back to the kingdom until they find the island they needed and there lies were they each have to choose their own faiths.

Brick's POV

My brothers and I are sailing on a ship headed to the north to find an island. My brother Butch is arm wrestling with the other crew members while I am laying down on my hammock reading a book.

"Hey ,Brick."my youngest brother said to me.

"What is it Boomer?" I said with my eye still focused on the book i am reading.

"we've already set sail to the north for fourteen days" he continued.

" and your point is ..."

"I mean what are we going to do if we don't find an island? We won't be allowed to go back to the kingdom."boomer said worried

"Don't worry boomer, we'll find one soon enough, after all we need to help dad with the war."I answered trying to calm him down.

And that's when I noticed that something was about to happen.

"Why are all the birds flying  to the opposite dirrection we are headed?"

"What do you mean?" Boomer asked confused while looking at the sky.
My eyes widened at what I saw ,There are black clouds headed our way.

"A STORM IS COMING!!!" I yelled at the crew to alert them.

All of a sudden a flash of lightning went our way knocking me and my brothers off the ship and into the ocean.  We are trying to swim our way back to the ship. We yell for help as our crew tries to help us but it was to late ,for the water have taken over our bodies because of the big waves the storm is making. The last thing I saw are both my brothers sinking along with me into the ocean, then it all became blank.

I slowly opened my eyelids to find myself waking up on a pile of sand.

"Where am I?" I asked to no one in particular as I try to stand up. Suddenly something moved next to me then saw that they are my brothers. I sighed of reilef the fact that my brothers were okay.

"Ugh I dont know Brick, We sank into the ocean for goodness sake." Butch answers annoyed as he tries to wipe away all of the sands from his mouth with his hands.

"Umm ... Guys" boomer said with his eyes wide open looking behind us.

"What is it boomer ?." Me and butch said with unison and figuring out at what boomer is looking at. Our eyes widen at what it was that boomer was looking at. It's a jungle. We've finally found what we were searching for.


"BE QUIET BUTCH!!" Boomer and I yelled in unison.

"We still don't know for sure if this is it. We still need to figure out if there is anyone who already owns this island." I suggested.

"So you're suggesting that we should go into that jungle to find if there are people living here on this island." Boomer says with fear in his eyes.

"Brick, I don't think there are anymore people living on this island, I mean, it's not like this island is even on the map or anything ... I think." Butch tried to convince me and trying to debate whether the island they are on is in the map or not.

"Not to mention all of the predators living in that very jungle." Boomer said shivering.

"It's fine, we still have our weapons with us and besides we need to find shelter so that we don't freeze to death when night comes."

Boomer sighed of relieved when he noticed that his sword is still tied up to his waist despite all of the waves that the storm had caused. Then there is a big grumbling sound near where we are now.

"And don't forget that we also need to find food because I am hungry." Butch said as boomer and I sweatdropped.

"Well what are we waiting for? LETS GO!" Butch yelled with excitment in his eyes then starts running to the jungle which is soon followed by me and boomer.

"Hey butch,wait up!" We yelled at butch in unison so he would slow down a bit.  And we kept on chasing after Butch until we get to the jungle.

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