2. How they met

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"Well... What are we waiting for? LET'S GO!" Butch says with excitement written in his eyes.

Butch started running into the jungle, which was soon followed by brick and boomer.

"WAIT UP!!!" They yelled in unison

Brick's POV

After me and boomer chased after butch we finally made it into the jungle.

"We finally ... made it." Boomer said while panting.

"If you get tired just by that then you won't even be able survive the war." Butch said as his mouth forms a smirk and Boomer just rolled his eyes in return.

All of a sudden there were rustles troughout the bushes and trees near them.

"We're being followed" I whispered to alert my brothers.

We kept on walking casually so whatever it is that's following us won't know that we have noticed their movements.

As we kept on walking in the big jungle, something suddenly runs past us but it was to quick for us to see. And when it finally slows down we realized that it was a black panther, a tiger and a cheetah walking  around us in circles. They were glaring at us.

"Dont make any sudden movement !" Butch said quietly but enough for me and Boomer to hear. We nodded in agreement. Our hands were already holding the handle of our swords ready to pull it out just in case they try to attack us.

"Who are you and what brings you here?" Someone shouted from somewhere in the jungle that we can't see and unable to hear were the voice is coming from because of the vibration that forms in the jungle, and I can guess that it's the voice of a girl. Which makes me certain that this island already had people living in it , of course , i still haven't figure out if this island belongs to anyone or not.

As we keep our silence a gash of wind suddenly past through us going in circles as the three wild animals walk around us in circle after the person spoke. I try to observe the animals to figure which of us is their target even though all they do is circling around which doesn't seem like much but just by simply walking around in circles there are lots of possibilities that can happen.

So what I'm trying to do to survive is to figure out each of their targets trough their eyes and what purpose do they have with us . Their movements kept changing even though it's hard to notice.

"Why are you trasspassing in to our jungle?" Another voice asks but this time the voice is different, the tone is higher than before but still unable to find out where it's coming from.

"Answer the question already! You guys are getting on my nerves" And finally another voice speaks up but this time it's deeper than the other two before. The owners of the voices finally appears behind us as we turn our head in their direction as the tiger, the black panther, and the cheetah stopped on their tracks and glares at us. We weren't able to see their faces because they are wearing masks that covers up their faces.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, who are you and why are you here?" The middle one asked seriously. I think about an excuse and came up with..

"We are the captains of the ship we were sailing and we are here because we were knocked off of the ship and when we woke we were already here." I half lied when I explained after all we can't tell them the hole truth about how we are really princes since we can't trust them just yet.

"What are your names?" She asks once more.

"My name is Brick." Putting the palm of my right hand on top of my chest and my head held up high. Which I immediately regret because I just told them my real name and I'm pretty sure my little brothers will say the same things because it probably never accured to them to use fake names.

"My name is Boomer." Boomer answers and as always with pure elegance. And as I thought, he told his real name also and don't get me started with butch because he will say..

"And my name is Butch." Butch answers with a grin on his face.

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