Chapter 1: Choking on Lemon Souffle

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"Hello Ray. I hope you have had your breakfast today. Dave keeps telling me you skip breakfasts more than often." She replied with concern.

Dave was Raymond's father who had been a close friend of Celeste's father. Both families were quite close.

"Dad told you? Aww. Hell. I was hoping you wouldn't find out." Ray spoke as he sighed.

" Shh. Just have a breakfast everyday from tomorrow. Okay? I'm not saying today since you already have a breakfast day with Mel." She replied with a wink making Raymond grin.

"Anyway, As I was saying or as I meant to say. You have a lunch date with Ben scheduled for today at 2pm and the rest of the day is free. While the next week's schedule is not yet... well... scheduled. You shall have it first thing in the morning tomorrow so don't worry." Ray spoke as he looked at his phone.

"Oh blow! The lunch date is today? I thought.. nevermind. Anyway you should go home now. Its sunday anyways. Im sorry you had to come today too because of this meeting." She spoke smiling sheepishly as both got up and walked to the elevator.

"Nah. It's cool." Came the reply before her assistant got busy with a call.

Celeste fumbled for her phone in her pocket but found nothing.

'Great. I forgot it at home." She thought stiffling a yawn as they reached the ground floor and then separated.

Soon enough Celeste was speeding back at her patio all the while thinking about what to feed her growling stomach and what to wear for her lunchdate with her boyfriend Ben.

She soon reached home after her breakfast of an omelette and bread she rested for a while.

The morning passed in a blur and soon it was 1 pm.
Celeste kept the book she was reading down on her bedside before getting up and walking in her walk-in closet and began to get ready for the date.

It was 1:45pm when the door bell rang.

Celeste grabbed her clutch and slipped her phone and lip gloss inside before going downstairs and opening the door.

"Hey babe." Ben greeted her, his blue eyes twinkling as he took her hand and both of them stepped outside closing the door behind them.

"You look lovely" he continued pecking her cheek.

"You dont look too bad too Mr.Hans." Celeste replied smiling widely and she looked at him. He did look fine wearing a white V neck with faded blue jeans.
He was indeed good luck at 6'1 with touseled brown hair and blue eyes.

"Shall we?" He asked before leading her to his car, a Camaro.

Soon they were seated at a 3 star restaurant laughing and chatting away as they ate Celeste's favourite dish. Pasta bologna with stuffed garlic bread.

"Lets order some dessert." Ben suggested before calling the waiter and ordering two lemon souffles.

"So how has you week been?" Celeste asked resting her head on her right palm.

"It was good. The stocks have been crazy lately. I missed you though." Her boyfriend replied smiling at her.

Celeste blushed,"Me too."

"Here is your souffle. Enjoy." The waitress said setting down the two plates in front of them before departing with a smile.

Both of them took their spoons and had a bite. It was delicious.

"Um Celeste? I had to tell you something." Ben spoke after the first bite.

Celeste nodded him to continue.

"My mom is coming here next month to visit me. And um she asked if you could cook for her."

Celeste heard those words and choked on her lemon souffle. If someone could actually choke on something so smooth.
Ben immediately got up and patted her back, helping her.

" She what?! And what did you say?" She replied sipping water from her glass trying to calm down.

"Uh yes? I'm sorry.." Came the reply.

Celeste groaned closing her eyes. Great. Now she has to cook for her boyfriend's mother. Just super.

She didn't mind but the only problem was she didn't know how to cook.

She sighed again staring at the unfinished lemon souffle, her appetite all gone.


Hey dearies!

So here's the book I promised. I do hope you all like it. I know its short but being the shameless thing I am, have written this on my phone during the exams.

I am very excited for this book. Hopefully you all are too.

Anyway until next time!

P.S. That awesome banner is made by AdventurousA. Tysm Babe. ♥


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