"Yeah. Bye!" Chelsea waved as we exited the club. There were cameras outside, lot's of them. Someone came and escorted us to a car, and we drove back to my flat.

"So you guys are...?" I asked, unsure of how to phrase the question.

"Um, we're doing a video together. Tomorrow, or maybe the day after. I want to do it for my two million subscribers video, which is hopefully coming up soon." She grinned, doing a little happy dance in the car. I could see how proud she was of her accomplishment.

"That's great, I'm so proud of you," I said quietly, kissing her. I could taste the remains of something sweet on her mouth.

"Thanks. That means so much to me." We arrived at my flat soon, where I collapsed on the bed. Chelsea stripped off her dress and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, that was most definitely mine. I heard the water running, and a few minutes later, she came out bare-faced and wearing her glasses. She grabbed a little container of something and smoothed it over her lips, followed by lotion on her face, before she crawled into bed with me. "You're not going to shower? Get the stuff out of your hair?"

"No, and I'm probably going to regret it in the morning," I mumbled sleepily into her shoulder. My head was hurting, and I gently pressed two fingers to my temple.

"Do you want some Advil? Or tea?" Chelsea asked, concerned. I shook my head, I just wanted to sleep. And it came easily, with Chelsea filling the sheets beside me.

I woke up with a headache, as I expected. But I didn't expect to find a cup of tea and a bottle of painkillers sitting on my nightstand. I swallowed them gratefully, looking at the time. 10:36. Usually, Chelsea and I would have already finished breakfast, but jet lag was a bitch.

"Chelsea?" I called out with a hoarse voice.

"Yeah?" She came out from the washroom with her hair still slightly damp, and had a bit of makeup on. She was still wearing her pyjamas.

"Come back, I wanna cuddle," I said, pouting cutely. Or, what I hoped was cute. She chuckled, crawling back in beside me. "Why are you wearing makeup?" I asked. We weren't planning on doing anything this morning; and she usually waited until after breakfast.

"I'm flattered, really. I'm not wearing makeup, Harry." She giggled a bit, poking my cheek. I squinted slightly, leaning in, and inspecting her skin. I couldn't really tell though, since her makeup was always so natural. I kept leaning in until my nose was pressed against hers, and I pouted my lips until she kissed me back.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Unless I accidentally put it on in my sleep." I made a face at her, reaching my hand over and resting it on her hip, tucking my thumb under the waistband of her shorts. We laid there quietly, enjoying the warmth, until I suddenly shot up.

"I haven't taken you on a date yet," I thought out loud. It was true, I had never asked her on a proper date. "Go get ready, and make some breakfast for yourself. I'll pick you up at 6:30," I said, scrambling to put on clothes.

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