Dip-stick and the Butterflies

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Dipper's P.O.V.

   Crap, crap, crap what do I say? What do I do? I slowly looked up to find her transparent (E/C) eyes staring right back into mine. It's like time had stopped. She gave me a small smile.

   "Interesting book, huh? My name is (Y/N), but you've probably already know that sense I've already said it twice." She looked down, what-embarrassed? "We-Well unless you didn't. I can get caught up in books so much sometimes I forget my surroundings." She gave me an awkward look. "I need to stop talking now, don't I? H-How about you just tell me your name?"

Your P.O.V.

   I looked back in the backseat to find a decently attractive guy. Chocolate eyes, brown mop of hair, and best of all, he was reading an actual book! This can't be real. My heart rate accelerated, but I forced it down and smiled at him.

   He shut the book and looked at me with his beautiful eyes. I could stare at them forever-which I basically did. Making eye contact, I found myself rambling my nervousness away. Strange, usually the exact opposite happens-silence that is.

   My face was red after I finally forced myself to shut up. He coughed and ran his hand against the back of his neck. 'Crap, I creeped him out. He'll never talk to me again. Why does the universe hate me?'

    "My na-name's Dipper Pines. I don't really mind you talking. You can talk to me all day if you want. That would be great." He seemed to realize what he said and smiled and laughed  awkwardly. "You know, s-so I could get to know you better."

    I forced a smile, because that's what you do in these situations. "Okay, Dipper Pines, now we shake to seal the deal of our introduction." I said this as I outstretched my hand toward him.

   And at that moment, you wanted to face-palm yourself for being so awkward.

Dipper's P.O.V.

    She outstretched her hand toward me, signaling for me to take it. Her hand looked so soft. Hesitantly, I reached out my own hand and shaked hers.

   Slowly she pulled her hand away. Grunkle Stan announced, "Well, here's Dave's house." Dang it, I wanted to talk to her more.

   Looking out the window at the house (Y/N) was staying at, I noticed it was the same log house we passed almost every time we went to town. Thankfully, she's close by. Estimated a rough five minutes.

   She smiled at me and Mabel. "Nice to meet you guys, hope we can hang out soon."

    Grunkle Stan grunted at her. "You got nothing to say to me, kid?" (Y/N) smiled deviously and said, "Thanks for the ride, old man." Before jumping out of the car and running to the log house.

    Me and Mabel chuckled at her. Grunkle Stan rolled down the window and yelled jokingly, "That's Mr. Pines to you!" A couple seconds later he added, "And I'm not old."

    (Y/N) simply waved before going inside.

    Well Dipper, this is going to be an interesting summer. I inwardly said to myself.

Mabel's P.O.V.

    OMG. They are made for each other. I can tell just by looking at their semi-awkward conversation. Both of them obviously like each other-the evidence as in they were both blushing. I will get them together by the end of the summer! And she will be my best friend.

    I laughed evilly. Dipper looked at me with squinted brows. "Please tell me you aren't thinking what I hope you're not thinking."

   I smiled widely. "Dipper's in love! Dipper's in love! Love! Love! Love!" I chanted.

   Dipper looked flabbergasted. His brows crinkled again with worry. "Please don't ruin this for me Mabel. I know you mean well but I want to be able to-you know. Get (Y/N) to like me back on my own." Dipper blushed.

   I put on my skepticals and replied a simple, "Kay."

   Looking out the window, I planned how I would make (Y/N) to be my great friend and Dipper's great lover.

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