Chapter 2 (Part 2)

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Jays POV

  I look out the window as we are driving. I glance at all the cars. can't be.  Is that...that's the girl in my dream. She looks right at me. I wave and smile. She seems to be concentrating really hard on something. I wave faster. " okay?" Tom asks as he places a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine! That girl, the one with the blonde curly hair, she was in my dream! I need to talk to her!" Everybody's looking at me! I sigh and tell the driver to follow them! As we are following them to where they'll be going I explain my dream. "She was at our concert, and she knew every word." Nathan starts to chuckle "all our fans know every word!" Max elbows him in the ribs and glares. "Not like her Nath.  She was singing our lyrics right into my soul...I have to meet her! She's the girl of my dreams who just so happened to be in my dream!" They all nod in agreement. We all watch as the car ahead of us swiftly takes a sharp turn. The turn is too sharp...I lost her.  Siva pats my back. "It'll be okay mate. If your dream is right she will be at our concert. Right now we need to relax. This is the first time no fans or media know where we are. Lets go out in public!" We all agree. We ask our driver what's around and he said there is a zoo close by. We all agree to go there as its been SO long since we all had fun at the zoo. Everyone but me sits back and relaxes. I lost her. The girl of my dreams. I should of rolled my window down and waved! I should of asked her name....her name!  Oh I bet it's just as beautiful as she is! Her eyes...I was getting lost in them as she was concentrating...why didn't she wave back? Did she not see me?....Oh crap! Tinted windows, I'm so stupid! I was waving at her for nothing! Oh well. We're almost to the zoo, Max and Nath are talking about the petting zoo while Kelsey, Tom, Nareesha, and Siva are talking about which route to take around the zoo. I'm just here thinking of that beautiful girl...I don't even know her and yet she is so perfect! We are here. FINALLY! Lets get this over with so we can go back to our LA house and I can be upset. We all put on our sunglasses and we get out. The two couples leading as us 3 loners trail behind. I sigh and look around at where we are. Wow it's beautiful, I bet the inside is even more beautiful. And that's when I see it....that beautiful blonde head of hair. I start walking toward her. It has to be the girl in my dreams. Just as I'm about 10 feet away fans start coming to us and won't stop. I hurriedly sign autographs and take pictures trying to keep an eye on my mystery dream girl. "Jay! We lost Nathan!" I hear Tom yell. I look around trying to find him. I finally spot him by the gate talking to a few girls. "Tom, he's up there flirting" I say motioning to Nathan and the two brunettes he's talking too. It takes us about half an hour to get through all the fans. By the time we are done I see mystery girl (that's what I'm calling her until I know her name) and her friend walking into the zoo. I yell to the boys to come on! We all pay to get in and begin our search for her. Nathan, Max, and I go toward the petting zoo while Tom, Kelsey, Nareesha, and Siva go toward the monkeys. "What does she look like?" Max asks. I sigh and smile real big. "Her hair is a mess of dirty blonde curls, her eyes are big and blue like the ocean, her smile will make your heart melt, and she has these huge dimples that make you want to start smiling. She's pretty short but that's okay. Her body has all these amazing curves. She's not a stick, but she's also not huge. She's perfect." All the time I'm explaining her Max and Nathan are smirking at me. "You love her and you don't even know her!" Nathan says as he pokes me in the arm. I just blush. As we enter the petting zoo I look around for her. We check in the barn first. We walk past cattle, horses, pigs, and donkeys. She's not anywhere in there. So we check the back. All that's back here are chickens. We don't see here back here either. I sure hope she's in the front. We walk to the front to where the petting part is. It's full of sheep and goats. We enter the gate making sure to not let any of the animals out. We begin searching. I hear this adorable laugh and I turn to see who it is. It's her...she is bent down petting is baby sheep talking to it like it's her pet. An animal lover? I like that! The boys see me staring and shove me a little telling me to go talk to her. I begin walking towards her and her friend sees me. Her eyes widen and she begins shaking my mystery girl and pointing at me. I lightly tap on her shoulder and she turns around to greet me with those gorgeous blue eyes and that smile that instantly widens when she sees me. I finally stop staring at her and say something. "H-Hi. I'm Jay."   



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