Date Night!

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There was a sudden crash from upstairs.

"Guys! What's going on up there?" Emma yelled.

In return she got giggles and a "Nothing!" from her daughter Lily.

Unconvinced Emma climbed up to the second floor where she found a floating table.

"Alex, I thought we agreed on no magic in the house." Elphie and Lily stood quietly aside but clearly trying not to laugh.

Alex quickly let the table fall back into place.

"Sorry" He placed his hands behind his back and grinned up at Emma.

Emma nodded. "You're allowed to stay in the playroom as long as you don't use magic again. Killian and I are downstairs if you need us."

Emma walked back down to the living room where Killian and Liam were playing peek-a-boo on the couch.

Running and laughter could still be heard from upstairs and Killian shook his head.

"Remind me again love. Why do we have 6 children in our house?"

"Because everyone thought it would be great to have a date night. Mom and Dad went away for the weekend for their anniversary. So Neal is staying with us for a bit. Robin and Regina asked if we could take care of Elphie while they're on a date and Zelena was busy doing other things. Lets see. Oh yeah. Roland actually was not coming but then he remembered the current game duel he had pending with Neal so thats currently happening. Alex wanted to come over so Rumple and Belle thought they would take advantage and have a date night too. And Lily and Liam. Well they live here so yeah." Emma ended while reaching over to tickle Liam's belly.

Killian laughed and joined in on the tickling.

"What about Henry? Couldn't he come and help us look after these kids.?"

Emma shook her head. "Nope he's on a date too."

"Bloody hell! We're the only two not on a date." Killian was about to add something else, but the yelling grew louder upstairs.

Suddenly Neal came jumping down the stairs. The overly excited kid started dancing in the middle of the living room.

"I won! I won!" He started jumping and dancing in front of Emma in order to annoy her.

"You can't beat me because I'm the master at video games!" He leaned closer and continued to dance.

Emma pushed him away gently. "Alright! I get it! You beat Roland. Maybe he wants a rematch go upstairs and see."

Neal didn't stop. "Haven't finished my victory dance!" Emma laughed at how silly he looked, but pushed him away as he kept almost jumping on her.

"Well you got the little annoying brother part of the dance right."

Neal shrugged. "It's what I do best."

"Yeah well heres what I do best..." Emma grabbed him by the waist and playfully turned him upside down.

Killian and Liam laughed as they watched Neal struggle to break free. Emma put him down and Neal stuck his tonuge out at her and Emma chased him to the stairs. Laughter continued on the second floor.

Emma loved every single one of the kids and she knew that Lily had lots of fun spending time with friends. And of course she loved her brother's company no matter how annoying he was. It just seemed that lately Emma and Killian were the go to babysitters. On top of that they had a one year old son to take care of. Day by day it was getting harder to spend some alone time with each other. Yet here they were again with 6 kids under their roof.

Killian got up from the couch and walked over to the table. He slid the chair and bowed.

"M'lady your seat is waiting."

Emma laughed. "What are you doing?"

Killain shrugged. "Well we can't have a date alone so might as well make the best out of it. Come on. Sit."

Emma grabbed Liam who was playing with blocks on the ground and took a seat as Killian sat across from her. He took a vase from the windowsill and placed it in the middle of the table.

"You see? It's almost a real date..."

"Uh huh. An almost real date with a one year old intruder." Emma added and Liam smiled as if he knew they were talking about him.

"And if you ignore the noise and laughter upstairs, then yes, I stand by my almost real date." Killian smiled a her.

"Well then tell me... how is this pirate going to make this date work exactly?" Emma leaned closer.

"I won't tell you. I'll show you." Killian smirked and kissed her. It would have continued if they weren't interrupted by yells.

Emma opened her eyes to realize it was dark. The power must have gone out. That wasn't really a surprise. It had been raining rather hard and the power went out temporally on windy rainy nights like these in Storybrooke.

Neal and Roland came downstairs first. "Our game! Nooooo!"

"Mommy! Daddy!" They heard Lily yell.

"It's okay lass we're here just be careful climbing down the stairs." Killian called out.

"It's okay! I can use my magic to turn back the light." Alex yelled back.

Emma's eyes widened.

"Not that I don't trust you can do that Alex, but remember I said no magic in the house."

She actually didn't trust him. He was a kid and she had seen his magic. He wasn't exactly in control of his powers. She wasn't about to risk him setting the house on fire.

Emma instead used her magic to make a few candles appear. Killain led all the kids into the living room.

"Well what are we supposed to do now?" Roland asked.

"I'll just-" Emma was about to try and see if she could return the power when Killian interrupted and whispered something in her ear.

"Seriously? I don't think it'll work...."

"Let's try it, love." Killian raised his eyebrows.

"Oh no. What are you guys planning?" Neal said sensing something was going on.

A couple of minutes later the house was illuminated by candle light. The kitchen smelled of food freshly cooked by Roland because he was the only one Emma and Killian trusted with the stove. Elphie, Lily and Alex had helped Roland make the food but Neal was not pleased. Especially when Emma made him put on a suit.

"Why do we have to be your servants?" Neal complained.

"You're not our servants. You are being little angels helping us have a great dinner date. Emma reached out to hold Killians hand and Neal walked away making a disgusted face.

"Alright pirate. You were right. This was a good idea."

Killian kissed her. "I know. Almost the perfect date."

"Almost?" Emma asked.

Then Liam walked in wearing a little suit of his own and carrying a serving platter. On it were two pop tarts.

"Why thank you my handsome son." Emma laughed and took the pop tarts from him. Liam reached out his hands and Emma picked him up and placed him on her lap.

Killian nodded. "Now it's perfect."

The Swan-Jones Family (One-shot series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora