A day at the amusement park

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Emma backed up the car into the street in front of the building. A 6 year old check. Two 8 year olds check. A 13 year old check. Now where was that 9 year old. She got out of the car and asked the group of kids.

"Where's Neal?"

All four kids pointed upstairs.

Just then Killian came out walking with Neal.

"I was just about to go up there myself. Killian I said have the kids ready to go. Meaning outside and ready to hop in."

Killian looked at her. "Hey you think having 5 kids get out of the apartment while also checking if they have everything is easy? And actually it was just your little brother who was having trouble heading downstairs."

Emma laughed. She was actually hoping Killian would have the helpless look on his face but he was able to handle kids pretty well.

"Alright kids, in the car!" Emma yelled.

All the kids rushed inside the newly bought mini van claiming their seats as if it were territory.

"Okay let's take attendance." Emma said sitting in the drivers seat looking at the rear view mirror.


"Here mommy!" Lily bounced up raising her hand.

Killian looked back at his daughter making sure she had her seatbelt on correctly.


Rumple and Belle had happily agreed to let Alex go on the amusement park with his friends and he was excited for the day.

"Here and ready!" He answered.


"Here!" Answered the 8 year old girl.

Robin's daughter Elphie (with Zelena) who had been adopted by Regina usually always joined on these trips with them and usually her brother joined too.


"I'm always here." He laughed.

"And last but not least Neal?"

"Why couldn't Henry come?" He answered.

Emma sighed. "I told you he has a test to study for."

"He's always studying. Why didn't he just take a break and come with us?" Neal whined.

"Not all of us are born geniuses like you. Mr. I win all the awards at school." Emma told him as she began to drive off.

"Yeah and not all of us are born saviors either." He smugly answered back.

Emma looked at him through the rear view mirror. "They don't give awards for that, but Mom and Dad love showing me all of yours."

"And Mom and Dad never stop sharing stories about your ways of saving the world."

"Well Mom & Dad-"

"Okay! I can feel the sibling love but let's focus on having a good time without the bickering."

Killian interrupted them as he always did since this was nothing new. Emma and Neal always bickered as if there wasn't such a big age gap between them.

Emma and Neal laughed. Both loved arguing with each other pretending their parents chose one over the other even though both knew their parents loved them equally.

As they arrived and exited the car Emma went over how things were gonna go once more.

"Everyone's clear on the rules right? Neal and Roland you're allowed to go on your own but stick together. And also check in with us every hour and come back to eat with us at 2:00pm. Elphie, Alex & Lily you're sticking with Killian and I."

"Yes! Yes! We got it can we go now?" Neal said hurriedly and jumping up and down obviously excited to go on as many rides as possible.

"Alright kiddos you're free to go."

Before Emma finished Neal was already dragging Roland with him to the rollercoaster.

Emma laughed and looked at Killian.

"Let's go have some fun."

Killian laughed too. "My middle name is fun."

Together with the three kids they rode as many rides as possible. Emma and Alex especially enjoyed the bumper cards where they were great at avoiding collisions and even better at starting them.

Next they went off to the Ferris wheel. When they reached the very top the wheel stopped. Lily hid in Killian's shoulder.

"Are we stuck?" She asked obviously scared.

"It's okay Lily. They're just letting people off. We'll be down in no time."

Elphie reached to hold Emma's hand. Emma took it without hesitation. Meanwhile Alex was looking at the view with amazement.

"This is so awesome. We're so high. I bet I can even see our car from here." He excitedly said.

Upon hearing this Lily opened one eye. "Is it really that awesome?" She asked Alex.

"Yea. Come on. You need to see it. It's so cool. Elphie you too."

"It's okay Lily. Just look. I'm right here for you." Killian reassured her.

Both Elphie and Lily opened their eyes to look. They gasped at the same time in amazement.

"Told you guys." Alex smiled and soon after the Ferris wheel started moving again.

At 2pm Neal and Roland joined them for lunch. Both scarfed down their lunch and Emma stopped them from running away.

"Woah there. Let that food settle in. I don't want any of you throwing up on rides."

"What? But what are we supposed to do?" Neal whined.

"Play some games lad." Killian replied and handed him some money.

Moments later Roland and Neal returned with prizes.

"That was fun." Roland told Emma handing her a stuffed monkey. Then he handed his sister an adorable stuffed bunny which she took and hugged tightly.

Neal gave Lily a blue stuffed bird.

"Yay! Thanks Neal. It's very pretty."

He hugged her. "You're welcome."

Emma smiled. Neal was good at being an uncle. He was always so kind to Lily and very attached to Henry.

At the end of the day Emma was dragged to a rollercoaster so she could see Roland and Neal ride it. She waved goodbye as they reached the top.

"Here I brought a cotton candy for Lily. Where is she?"

Emma panicked. "What do you mean? She went with you."

"No she didn't, love. I only took Elphie and Alex. Where could she have gone?"

Emma was about to start yelling when a little girl ran into her legs laughing.

"Mom! Dad! Guess what I did. Guess what I did!" "

Both Killian and Emma took a sigh of relief.

"I rode the helicopters ride 4 times. The nice man let me stay on the whole time." She pointed to the young man controlling the ride. Emma mouthed thank you to him and he smiled and nodded.

After a crazy wonderful day at the amusement park a family just wants to go home and sleep. And that's exactly what they did. After dropping off the other kids the Swan Jones family drove home and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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