chaper 4

144 5 0

jade POV

when we got finished at the mall we decided to go see the boys at roc & stacie house

Ivonna: prod look what I got u *pulling out a polo bag with hella clothes in it*

Prod: omfg thanks bae *kissing ivonna*

Prod: how much did this cost *looking through the bag*

Ivonna: $1,560.99 + tax so about $1,565 just for u bae. *wraping her arms around prod neck,.. giving him a peck on the lips.*

Prod : aww bae I feel so special 😜💑💑💏

Ivonna: ur are prod

Jade: *steps in between them* ok enough with this love shidd 🙅🙅

Ivonna: u just jealous of us

Jade: JEALOUS !! I got my sun shine right here (turns to ray)

Ray:that's right babe

💏-jade &ray kissing-💏

✨prince & Alexis house✨

Alexis falls down the stairs

Alex: JACOB!! *yelling from downstairs*

prince:I heard my government name what I do this time.. (running Downstairs to see Alex on the floor) *lls..ctfu..dtfll.lmfao*

Alex: it's not funny ..come help me up *fake crying*

(Prince helps her up)

(Then he slaps her ass)

Prince:damn even though I haven't hit that yet it feels like I did 100 times + more👅😜😍😍

Alex: you are just sooo ..ughhh

Prince:you love this ughhh

Alex: that's totally tru

(Make out session)

✨Roc & stacie house ✨

(Roc watching tv I the couch in the living room)

💚Stacie runs down stairs .. jumps in his lap💚

Roc: are we gonna have sex this time

Stacie:no I'm not ready and I'm waiting till marriage ..u know that

Roc: so y tease me???😒😒

Stacie: because it's Funn to feel your friend get happy only when I'm around

Roc: he needs help will u help him ?😉😉

(Stacie gets off rocs lap,sitting next to him )

Stacie:nooo roc !!

Stacie: u know what ur sleeping down here with the lotion !! GOODNIGHT

(Stacie goes upstairs and locks the door)


damn y she gotta be like dat.. like we been together sence 9th grade and we graduated collage now it's been 3 years since collage ended .. I've been so loyal and she refuses she talking about till marriage when I aim ready or am ?!???!?

End of pov

✨Ray & jade house ✨

Ray: why u keep staring at me like dat

Jade : becuz I fuck from a distance ..ahhh🙉🙉

Ray: well u should try it a closer distance 😜😜

Jade: well I'm tired how about u ???

Ray : y u ignoring mee?????

Jade I'm not I'm just sleepy

(Ray slaps jades ass up the stairs )

(Jade runs upstairs ..ray runs after her then tackles jade on their room floor)

Jade: get off me ray!

Ray:not UNTILL u answer my question

Jade:what is it ?? what is sooo important????!??

Ray:will u have my kids when we have sex??? And get married???💍💍

Jade:ray I'm not ready for sex yet but..but yes I will marry u and have ur kids!!!

Ray:so is dat a yes?...

Jade:yes I will marry u ray!!!

They are engaged now!!💍💍💍💍💍💍💍💍💍💍💍💍

Soon all will be just not that soon maybe one??

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