Chapter 6

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Glimmer POV
I stared sleepily at the clock above the door. 11:59 am. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" i whispered. I was stuck in History class and was bored out of my mind! None of the other Victors were in here, just a bunch of losers and nobodys. "30 seconds left" I thought staring at the clock.

"GLIMMER MELLARK!" I look up to see my history teacher, Ms.Trinket, staring at me with angry eyes. By the look on her face, i can tell this wasn't the first time she was saying my name.

"Yes, Ms.Trinket?" I aksed giving her a fake innocent smile.

"Have you been listening to anything i was saying?" Her eyes narrowed at mine.

"Yes" i lied. The entire time she was talking, i was painting my nails.

"Well then please summarize what i just explained to the class" She crossed her arms around her chest.

Yikes!! Didn't think that would happen.

" said..........something about that thing we were discussing, and ummmm....." I had absolutely NO idea what i was saying.

"I thought so. Stay back after class, I'm calling your mother" amd with that she turned toward the board. Oh Crap, mom is GOING TO KILL ME!!!!!!!

BRING! BRING! The bell rang. I jumped out of my seat and tried to sneak out in the crowd.It worked! Once i was in the hallway, i made a dash for the cafeteria. I immediately stopped running. Oh shit, i forgot to go to my locker. i turned around and bolted to my locker. once i got to my locker, i stopped. there was a note taped to the door. I opened the note and read:


Marvel wants to see me? AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt like i was on cloud nine. i've had a crush on Marvel since 3rd grade, and now he finally sees me as more than just friends. AH! I could just die happily knowing that. wait....... i DON'T know that. all he said was to meet him after school. what if he doesnt like me as more than just a friend? OMG, i would die of embarrassment! i guess there was one way to find out. i stuck the letter into my notebook and turned towards the cafeteria. i'll just have to wait and meet Marvel later today.

Johanna POV
OMG, I dont believe what i just saw!!!! me and katniss were in the art room, and she kept writing Cato and drawing hearts!!! KATNISS LIKES CATO!!!!! should i tell someone or should i keep it a secret? does cato like her? i quickly yanked my phone out. "Glimmer, get everyone and meet me behind the school, pronto!"

I ran behind the school and saw everyone was there. Damn Glimmer gets the word out fast. i looked and saw Katniss was staring at Cato who barely noticed her. Maybe this isnt such a good idea, but i already gathered everyone there, so...... here goes nothing.

"What's the matter, baby?" Gale asks worried. "Is everything alright?" He says kissing me on the cheek. OMG, MY HEART JUST MELTED!!!!!!!! "Yea, Jo. why'd you gather everyone here?" Peeta asks confused. "well, ummmmmmmmmmmmm i have something important to tell you guys" i say nervously. "So spill it!" Katniss says annoyed. that tears it, NO ONE speaks to me like that.

"Alright brainless, Katniss is in love with Cato!" i smirk. Katniss' face turns bright red, and cato is looking at her. "KATNISS IS IN LOVE WITH CATO?!?!?!" Glimmer is screaming now. "I saw her drawing hearts over his name in art" i say still smirking. "YOU DIDNT HAVE TO TELL ANYBODY!!!!!!!!" Katniss screeched. "I was considering not saying anything, but no one speaks rudely to me" i retorted. Katniss turns and runs off into the school. Cato is running after her. Gale has a disappointed look in his eye. Everyone is shaking their heads. Oh Crap, what did i just do?

Cato POV
Wow, just wow. Johanna just told the entire group that Katniss is in love with me. and the thing is, Katniss agreed with it. well, Katniss is pretty and cute, so. "KATNISS, KATNISS" im shouting into the empty gym. i thought i saw her run this way. i was about to leave when i heard sniffling coming from behind the bleachers.

Katniss POV
I CANNOT BELIEVE JOHANNA! SHE TOLD CATO I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM! i mean, its true, but she didnt need to tell anyone! i ran behind the bleachers in the gym and started crying my eyes out. "KATNISS, KATNISS" i hear Cato shout. i dont answer, i just try to be quiet. no luck, i think he heard me sniffling. the next thing i knew he was sitting right next to me. he was saying something like everything was alright. i felt i sharp pain in my arm, then everything went black.

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