the very beginning

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Katniss POV

"KATNISS, WAKE UP!!!" i groan and open my eyes to see my sister, Prim, standing over me. From the look on her face, i can tell the day has arrived. Today, Prim and I will be going to live with my cousins, Marvel and Clove Sevina. I was so happy when they agreed to let us live with them. My mother was a doctor that killed every one of her patients. She is always drunk, and I'm afraid Prim will be next on her death list, so the faster we get out of there, the better.

"Hey little duck, is your suitcase ready to go?" i asked, using the nickname i gave her when she was 5. i am 16 while prim is 12. "Yup, now let's go. if we miss the plane, we'll be stuck with mom again!" i smiled and jumped out of bed. i threw on a red mini skirt, that was way too short, a lepord print shirt,sunglasses, and a pair of black knee high high heeled boots. i grabbed the suitcases and threw them in the car. prim jumped into the passenger seat and we were off. when we got to the airport, we rushed into the plane faster than you could say "Hi Everdeen." the plane started rolling down the runway and we were off.


alright, i know the first part sucked and is boring, but i'm new at this so give me a break. i'll try to make this better, and am opened to any suggestions

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