Chapter 19

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Every day started off with a similar routine: wake up, brush teeth, feed Gary, get dressed, lounge in the living room for a while, then go to work.

Spongebob never thought about Bikini Bottom. Even after Mr. Krabs's call, it barely crossed his mind unless he thought about his old job at the Krusty Krab or every time he heard someone playing a clarinet. Sometimes, Gary reminded him of Bikini Bottom, but not often.

He was walking home from work one night when he thought he saw a shadowy, starfish-shaped figure watching him from afar. He was a little creeped out but didn't pay much attention to it and continued walking, keeping his eyes down.

Who could that have been? It was strange.. who could have been.. watching him?

Oh, well.. He had a neighbor who liked to trim hedges. Maybe it was just his newest hedge that just happened to be shaped like a starfish.

He continued walking home, finally at ease. Gary would be waiting for him.

Little did he know, it was no hedge that he'd seen..

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