Chapter 6

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Spongebob looked at his watch, he had 6 minutes to get to the bus stop that was a quarter of a mile away. He would have to sprint. He sprinted along the side of the road that led to the bus stop.

"Hey, Spongebob!" His fellow seamates greeted as he ran past, but he couldn't reply. He had to find Patrick in Rock Bottom. That had to be the only place he was.

Spongebob made it just in time. The bus leaving to Rock Bottom was just about to take off but he managed to climb on before it did.

He sat down. The bus was full of people but he felt alone. Patrick usually was always with him. He let out a sigh and leaned his head against the window. He needed to find his best friend, and fast. To tell him.. how he truly felt. 

The closer the bus got to Rock Bottom, the more nervous he felt. How would Patrick react? Was Patrick even there? What if something terrible had happened?

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