The Boy from the Monster

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One of the first duties of the Order was checking towns and cities to see there wasn't too much debris. The first place they had to go was Soren's fortress. Weird, fizzing purple liquid stained the ground, as Jess didn't want to know what would happen if she touched it. "Hey, you doing OK? You know, about..." Axel begun. "Reuben? I'm doing alright. I really miss him though..." Jess blinked back tears. She had loved Reuben, her pig, with all her heart, and the Witherstorm took him away from her. "Hey, we'll all miss that little piggy, and he'd be proud to see you now." Olivia assured. Jess smiled. Her friends were always there for her, and nothing would change that. 

"Uh... guys... w-what is that?!" Petra pointed in fear at a purple puddle. It was fizzing and bubbling in a disturbing way. "I... don't know. And I'm scared! Is that thing still alive?!" Olivia asked nervously. The liquid splashed about, and Jess could have sworn she heard someone scream. The puddle begun to take shape: a human shape. "Let's get out of here!" Lukas exclaimed. But just as they were about to run, the purple stuff fell away and dissolved, revealing a boy about their age. In fact, he and Jess couod have been twins if their hair colour wasn't different. He had extremely bright green eyes, and fawny brown hair. He had no clothes and looked confused. He turned to them. "Where am I? Who are you people?" he asked. Jess whispered to the others. "That dude was just born from Witherstorm blood! This is freaking me out!" she stared at the boy. Axel was going crazy. "Demon boy! Get him!" Axel swung his sword, only to be stopped by Petra. "No! Don't! We don't know he's a demon! What's your name?" she asked. Weird. Normally it would be Petra slashing her sword at anything strange. "Um... Jesse, I think. What's going on?" he inquired. Everyone gasped. Jesse! They didn't know if it was just coincidence, but Jesse was almost exactly like Jess! "Well, I'm Petra. And these are Lukas, Olivia, Axel and Jess. Nice to meet you!" something was up with Petra. She wasn't normally this polite, and didn't seem at all fazed by the resemblance to Jess or the fact that the boy was naked. And was she... slightly red? "Well, it's nice to meet you too. But what is happening? I just suddenly wake up in a weird place with a bunch of people staring at me." said Jesse. "Do you have any memories?" Lukas asked curiously. "No. This is my first time alive. And why is this place wrecked? Jeez, it's cold." Jesse shivered. "Here. I have a change of clothes on me." Lukas handed Jesse an outfit. The boy slipped it on. "You look like me!" Jess blurted. "And you look like me!" Jesse gasped. Then they decided to test each other.

"Superkalafragilisticexpialidocious!" they both said at the same time. "Wait!" a familiar voice said behind them. "Soren!" Axel growled. They weren't at all pleased to see the Architect who ditched them. "This is amazing! I knew it!" Soren was what Magnus called 'geeking out'. "Knew what?" Petra asked. "Jess, you have a brother! The Witherstorm was able to create copies of itself using these purple chemicals. You're DNA mixed with it and created Jesse, a male version of you!" Soren explained. Everyone gasped. "Whoa! I have a twin brother?! That IS amazing!" Jess cheered. "OK, so now that you know that, I'm gonna take Jesse to my lab and find out more about the Witherstorm." Soren began to drag the boy away. "WHAT IN THE MINECRAFT UNIVERSE IS THE WITHERSTORM???!!!" Jesse demanded. "Oh, it was this freak monster that almost destroyed the world, but your sister defeated it." Lukas explained. Meanwhile, he saw that Jess' hand was outstretched. He didn't have the guts to try and hold it. It was ever since that moment in the hut they built shortly after their adventure began. Jess had given him her cookie, and he had been in love with her ever since. But he hadn't the courage to say it. It was pure torture. "I'm not going into a lab. I'm not a freak." Jesse said flatly. "Well, maybe you could stay with us? I mean, Jess is your sister, and there's nowhere else to go. So what do you say?" Petra offered. Why did she act so weird in front of Jesse? "Sure. I'd love to." he shrugged. 

Daughter of Life, Son of Death (An MCSM fanfic) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now