Why?!? After all I've done Part one

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Percy's POV
Piper and I just got back from a quest Zeus and Athena gave to us so we can marry Annabeth and Jason. We had to do the 12 labours which took us 6 mouths. "Are you excited Pipes?" I asked, jumping up and down like a little kid. Piper rose her left eyebrow

"Really Percy, of course I am why wouldn't I be?" Piper replied, messing around with the ring she's going to give Jason. The ring Piper has is a simple sliver ring with the engraving of 'Sparky and beauty queen, forever and always'. My ring to give to Annabeth is beautiful, it is a simple gold ring with a seaweed green gem on top. Engraved on the inside is 'Seaweed brain + Wise girl, never apart'. We both saw Thalia's tree and grinned, we're finally home. I ran to Athena's cabin but I couldn't help to notice everyone was giving me dirty looks, and it's not just the hunters who here as well. I knocked on the door, no one was in there so I opened it. I can here Piper, running behind me.

"You can really run when you're on a mission" she exclaimed as the door opened. What I saw next scared me for life and shattered my heart. Jason and Annabeth were making out on her bed.
"Annabeth/Jason" Piper and I both said at the same time. They both looked up shocked.
"You guys were meant to be dead" Jason said. I growled, is Jason really that stupid? Lucky Piper answered for me.
"Why would we be dead? Percy is the most powerful demigod the world has ever seen and I'm one of the only Aphrodite girl who can actually fight, why would we die? We went on a quest for your parents to do Hercule's 12 labours" Piper yelled.Wow, that girl has a yell to her.

"You should be dead then, they are all impossible tasks for demigods to do" Annabeth said in a plain voice. I can feel my anger about to snap.

"Why is it impossible? Are you smart enough to realise that Hercules was a demigod! And it's not impossible otherwise we wouldn't be here. Now that you're with Grace here, I don't need
this anymore" I snapped. I threw the ring at her while Piper threw her ring at Jason. They both gasped as we ran.

"Where do we go?" Piper yelled.

"My cabin for now" I said. We both ran to my cabin, I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Father, why aren't you letting me in?" I yelled to the ocean. Out of the ocean came out my father, all red with anger, all no.

"I can't believe you cheated on Annabeth with Piper here, running off like that killed Annabeth. No cheater is my son. I, Poseidon, disown my son, Perseus Jackson" I thought I would feel pain but I didn't, which confused me. I tried to summon water and surprisingly I did. Poseidon's mouth dropped

"How?!? I disowned you, your powers would have been gone!" Poseidon exclaimed. I shrugged "Don't ask me Poseidon, ask yourself while I leave this hell hole, come on Pipes" I said, tugging on Piper's arm, she wasn't moving. I looked into her Kaleidoscope eyes only to see sorrow.

"I'm sorry Percy but...I can't leave here, it's the home I've never had. Maybe I can join Thalia in the hunters, I'm so sorry" she cried. I held a growl, she's leaving me too. I took a deep breathe. "Fine" I said venomously "You can die for all I care McClean. This camp was once my home too but the two most people I trusted most betrayed me, I can't be here anymore. Just remember I'll be back, and when I am, you'd wish you're never born"

I ran, ran as fast as I can. I ran pass the campfire where Annabeth was talking to Thalia. Annabeth saw me and widened her eyes. "Percy" she whispered, making Thalia look at me. Well, that's my cue to run faster. I ran to Thalia's tree where a scythian Dracaenae is standing. I stared at her with wide eyes. It's a dragon woman with green scaly skin, yellow eyes and instead of legs it, well she has two tails (A/N picture above). "Thank you Perseus, most demigods never call me a women" she hissed.

I stepped out the camp borders ignoring the screams of the campers. "Percy!" Annabeth screamed. I sighed sadly and replied to the Scythian Dracaenae "You're Chaos' creation like humans and demigods alike, no one should be called 'it', it's rude. You would only kill demigods because they scare you or you've been controlled into doing it. Do you have a name?" She smiled.

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