"I mean shit, I'd eat the tacos if they had coke in them anyway. Fuck it dude," Austin said.

"Same," Tyler laughed.

"I was just kidding, gosh," Juan whispered.

"Anyways, Tyler and I came up with the plan we've all been waiting for. Well... Tyler will do all the talking," Ramirez explained.

"Alright so some connections inside the government and shit been telling me about Shep and his whereabouts, and also was told we can all change our identities without having to get surgical modifications and shit," Tyler said.

"I can make some good off of the modifications, but what about the whereabouts?" Carlos asked.

"Getting to it," everyone began paying closer attention after Carlos' already tried to make something of this game plan. "So with Shep's whereabouts known, and what his daily routines tend to be, we can lure him in, and kill his ass, and dispatch of everything without suspicion being made amongst people," Tyler continued.

After this statement was made everyone's eyes lit up. Juan looked like he was ready to ask a shit ton of questions, but Carlos and Ramirez gave him a look, and he refrained from doing so.

"After that, we can legally get our names changed from my connections, and we will be mailed our new identities. We'll have the same first name, but different last name, and everything about our past will be erased. No one will trace us back after this," Tyler then stopped speaking, and waited for feedback.

"How do we kill Shepherd?" I ask. The Crew nodded.

"Habits say that on weekends, he goes to the strip. We wait for a Friday, which just so happens to be today, he goes to Liquor N' Licking, and we take him out there," Tyler said.

"How will we go about it?" Juan questioned Tyler's methods.

"Well if he's in there, we find a way to isolate him, then someone shoots him in the head, shanks him, anything," Tyler blankly stated.

"Hm. So we will not have a single trace of history after this is done with?" Carlos asked.

"Well the reason this is all being put into work is because Shepherd became more of a liability, rather than someone of good use. So they wanna take him out. Scummy move on their part? Yes. Smart move on our part to pitch in? Hell yeah," Tyler assured.

"It can't be this simple. There ought to be a catch to this," Terry suggested.

"Nah. It's that simple. We kill Shepherd. In return we get cleared. No more government watch lists, and no more pissed off fucking police men," Tyler said.

"That's crazy talk. But I like crazy talk," Juan smiled.

"You know, I like the mentality of the U.S government for once. Now I can live like I'm supposed to be. A kinda legal, and illegal, citizen of the States," I laughed, as The Crew gave a nod.

"So, all we do is lure him in, and merk his ass?" Terry repeated.

"Yeah, the rest is handled by me and the boys inside," Tyler said.

"Alright, what are we waiting for?" I asked.

"To come up with a more detailed plan honestly. Because we still have plenty of time left before he even gets in the proximity of a strip joint," Tyler explained.

"Well from what I gathered," everyone turned to Carlos. "Ramirez can let all the strippers know what's going on, like not the whole thing, but that they need to find a way to lure him out of the joint for us to 'get rid' of him," Carlos theorized.

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