Niall : *coughing* I'm uh got a fever . *coughing* so what's up ?

Harry : aww poor ya . Get well soon Bro ! Nothing news , when this fever start to attack you cause yesterday you seem fine !

Niall : ugh I don't really know when . Urm, is Liam there ?

Harry : yea, he is sitting right in front of me texting with some-

Niall : har-ry , tal-k to you la-ter al-right.  Bye .

I frown cause he end up the call without me saying goodbye . Rude . " harry ! Why would you say to him that I'm texting someone ??" Liam said as he threw my notebook towards me . Did I really said th- oh god ! That's why niall hung up the phone.  Good job harry , you make your friends upset now ! " well, you should texting him instead of your new princess ! " I snapped towards him . He looks mad and said " it's not my fault to fall in love with someone else! And I have the right to ends thing with niall if I want !! " I stand up and yelled at him " YOU JUST KNOW THAT GIRL FOR LIKE 3 OR 2 WEEKS AND YOU ALREADY HAVE A FEELING FOR HER ?  AND YOU KNOW NIALL AND FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM SINCE 3 YEARS AGO LIAM !! HOW CAN YOU START TO THINK TO END UP THE THING WITH HIM ? YOU GUYS BEEN DATING FOR THIS LONG AND MAKE A LOT OF MEMORIES TOWARDS EACH OTHER FOR THE PAST YEAR AND YOU WANT EASILY BROKE UP WITH HIM ? DON'T YOU KNOW HOW HE WILL FEEL ABOUT THIS ??? " I said and start to walk but stopped when Liam said " same goes to you harry ! Huh , you being a whore putting your number at one of those book in public libraries and waited for stranger to text you and you don't even meet them and you easily start to fall in love with them. At least I'm not a whore like you harry ! " the dining room start to full of noisy and gossiping about me . " wow ! He has no shame at all ! " one of the boys said . " he must be craving to feel a love by someone since he has no one on his side . What a shame ! " I felt my tears fell down and I felt dizzy from the words they said about me.

I ran towards the bathroom and hide myself in one of the stall . I cried brokenly as the words that Liam spoke to me today repeat itself in my head  " At least I'm not a whore like you harry !  "  never thought that Liam will say those thing towards me . Am I really whore ? Someone knocked my doors and said " Harry ! I'm sorry ! I didn't mean to say that ! " it's Liam . " you know what Liam , fuck off !! " I yelled at him . It was the first time I said the f words.  I don't really like to use those words but my hearts hurt now so I don't care what am I saying .. He start to knock my door non stop so I open the door and he accidently knocking my forehead, I gave him a hard stare and start to walk off the bathroom and go towards my car .

I stopped in the middle of the road just looking at my cars . My car . The windows is breaking and the glasses splattered down the street . Then some paint in front of my car and its say " whore " I took a deep breath and close my eyes , trying to calm myself , and when I open my eyes , I heard Liam gasped . I turn around and smirk at him while my tears start to falling down " look what you have done Liam . Thank you very much for your ' I didn't mean to say that ' " I rolled my eyes and get in my car even tho there was a lot of paint I'm still will driving it. I don't care much of that cause my house aren't far from here so I might be fine arriving at my home safely. 

Liam Pov

How can I do that towards my best friend ! I really didn't mean to say all of those things . It's just slipped through my mouth.  After harry drive home , I couldn't help , but follow his car from behind. Afraid if he got into accident.  And when he arrive at home safely, I didn't get out ,I'm just letting him to cool down first so I decided to drive home .

When I arrive at home , I was greeted by my mom looking upset . Why tho ? " mom , are you okay ? " I said while kneeling down beside her . She gave me an envelope and I took it and open it " what is th- " I stopped my words when I look at the card wedding invitations.

Sophia Smith ♡ James Martin
To : Payne's Family.

Mr and Mrs is invited to attend our wedding on Saturday at 4 pm till 6 pm. It will be held at Govayh Hotels . Thank you .

I am speechless. " I'm sorry Liam , I didn't know she already engaged with someone. I thought she was single so that is why I made you see her . I'm ssoo sorry Liam . ! " my mom said . I just nodded and said " it's okay mom , I have something that I didn't tell you,  it is I'm bi mom . I have a boyfriend and we've been together since 3 years ago. " my mom widen her eyes and I start to run to my room and lock the door, afraid that mom will hit me . I heard my mom throwing something towards the wall and yelled " YOU BETTER GET OUT OF YOUR ROOM LIAM , !! " now I'm super scared.  I slowly open my bedroom door and close my eyes and waiting for any hits but what I've got is a hugging from my mom.  " I'm sorry Liam , I didn't mean to scare you,  I already know a long time ago, and I've been waiting you to come out towards us .And you know what ? Your dad and I have bet on your sexuality, and I win ! I guess it correctly ! And don't worry about your dad , he will be okay with ya . Alright ? " I nodded and happily tears start to falling down. I thought they will judge on me but I was wrong . Now , I can be together with my boyfriend without feeling worries. 

Harry Pov

Harry :  yea . He said that towards me lou.  How can I forgive him easily?  The whole school heard his words .

Louis : I'm sure he didn't mean it, hazza. 

Harry : what's make you said that ?

Louis : when we are angry , we will never know what we are saying hazza , trust me , Liam must've slipped that words to you .

Harry : huh , you're on his side huh . You don't know after he said those words the school bully start to damage my car. I don't know what will happen to me tomorrow. Thanks for your lovely opinion. Bye .

Louis : Bu-

I ended the call cause I am angry now. It's true on what Louis was saying . I'm just too ego to believe. I sigh and close my eyes to fall asleep. 

Niall Pov

Tomorrow everything gonna be end . I'm sorry Liam. 

What's Niall going to do ? Any idea ? Do you want Niam to be together?  Lol , next chapter to find out ^^

Can I get 3 votes for this chapter?  ~(×_×)~

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