Take it off?

32 0 4

Requester: I told you, I have no friends.

Prompt: it was going to be this one thing, but then it turned into this other thing.

Ship: Jete, PAG3R? Jrandon. Bay? I have no idea, it's JAYG3R and Petezahhut.

Genre: Fluff, banter, idk?

Warnings/notes: Another Oneshot for TyOrTyler because he's just all around awesome.


I lean back in my chair, I had just finished recording an episode of HeroWars with Lachlan. I'm mentally preparing myself for the upcoming editing, when my Skype sounds go off, I look and see that it's a new massage from Brandon! I immediately look at it and see that he's asking if I'm up for a quick call, why would I ever reject that? I quickly type back to him and within seconds the Skype call sounds are going off in my headphones.

"Hey babe!" I say as soon as I picked up the call,

"Jay bæ! How you doing boo?" He replies back to me with a smile on his face.

"Better now that you're here, what's up with the random call? Anything wrong?"

"Nope, just wanted to see you." He says wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes before responding. "You're such a dork." I chuckle, and roll me eyes knowing why he called. "How about this, I'll give you what you want, if you give me what I want." I say quirking my head to the side, with a smirk on the lips.

He strokes his imaginary beard, thinking about the offer. "Humm- I'll think about it." He says.

"Hmph, you always say that." I pout in the camera batting my big puppy dog eyes at him.

"Yep, I do, glad you remember that." He says with a smug smile on his lips.

"Please Brandon? It'll be for my eyes only! No picture, I promise." I place my hand over my heart as I say the last bit.

He smirks at my pled, "Well, I was just going to take it off, but now I'm interested, what's in it for me?"


So he wants to play this game,

I can do that.

"You'll get to see my beautiful smile? And be able to see me happy?" I say innocently, know full well what he meant.

"Don't play this game, you know what I meant." He says almost growling. Honestly it was attractive as all hell, but I need stay strong.

I look up to him with a small smirk on my lips, you probably couldn't even tell it was there

"No, I don't think I do Brandon. Why don't you tell me, please enlighten me." I put my chin onto my hands making the 'flower child' pose as I tell him to enlighten me.

"I hate you." He tells me shaking his head.

"Ha, you wish."

"Yes, because then I wouldn't be sitting here wishing to be at your side..." He says, his voice getting quieter at the end.

"Babe, soon enough, I promise. Let me just get settled into my house and we'll have a week to our self. How does that sound?"

"But what do we the the viewers?"

"What do you mean? You're done with H3M, just tell them you're taking a break off of streams, and pre Crazer Craft, and some side videos. I'll do the same, it'll be as if we never left."

"But what if we see a viewer while traveling?" He says thinking about all of the different possibilities of what could go wrong.

"Then tell them you're going to a little cottage in the woods to meet up with me, and that once I'm done with you, you won't be walking for a week. Babe, trust me, everything will work out perfectly."

"Humph, more like what I could do to you."

"We'll see about that."

"Yes we will."


Jay wanted Brandon to take off his beanie. Get your mind out of the gutter, you filthy animals.

On the other hand, I'll let you come up with whatever you want, as to what happened on that trip. ;) Jk, I mean come on, it's obvious.

Also I know it's short, screw off.


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