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Puddles of water were splattered by her steadfast feet. A masked-face girl threaded through the rain covered alleyways of the neon lit town. Behind her, several security officers were trailing behind. As she turned a corner, hands thrusted forward, snatching her shoulders. 

"Got you Witch!" the hidden man her shoved against a wall. Recoiling from the abrupt force, She dropped onto the wet concrete, bruising one of her arms. Above her, the rest of the officers trapped her in. Despite the situation, she refused to shrink down against these 'protectors of law.'  

"You're overdue lady, off to the jails with you." The officer who pushed her down had handcuffs spinning arrogantly around his finger. There were snickers echoing from other officers, enjoying to insult her in distress. Waves of rain started to platter the alleyway of Neo Domino City, soaking the girl's cloak.

"I think it's time for you face justice!" The officer raised his foot, ready to stomp her. The girl instinctively veered to the side, his foot pounding beside her face. In one elegant motion, she slid on her duel disk and pulled out her signature card.

"Black Rose Dragon!" She raised her hand as black dragon draped with rose petals materialized behind its master. With one roar, huge gale winds accompanied with black sharp rose petals blasted through the array was officers like paper. The echos of cruel laughter was replaced with cries of agony.

A makeshift path of officer was created; she took no time at rushing past Security, her strands of hair flowing like tails. The escapee removed synchro monster from her disk and back into her deck, letting the dragon disappear.

Once the rose petal winds died down, the girl melted into the maze of alleyways.


There several tight turns before getting out of the alleyways of Neo Domino city. After checking for any followers, the escapee took off her mask, taking a deep breath of oxygen. Most people would be surprised of her facial features, being a runaway. She was beautiful, even for model's standards. Her magenta hair went down to the middle of her neck with her bangs rolled in her bulky hair pin. She left two strands of hair falling on each side, sharpening her cat-like amber eyes. The rest of her face was completed with her smooth porcelain skin.

Noticing her surroundings, the girl was now on the outskirts of Neo Domino City, blinding skyscrapers and lights were now behind her. Night was rolling in, moonlight peeked out from the slowing rain. The silver rays gently rolled on  gentle sea in front of her. And beyond there was a ravaged island known as the Satellite: the smudge of the 'great' city. 

How long will I keep running?

"Thanks for standing in the open. It makes our job so much easier." Her amber eyes shifted to see a new round of officers. Some gasped at her appearance.

"Sir are you sure she's-"

"The senator's daughter- the witch- that's her." She gritted her teeth when  'senator' was uttered among the group. 

Placing her mask on, she distance herself from the cops and activated her duel disk and summoned her Dragon. 

A rock was flung and smashed into her duel disk, surprising her. She veered away from her arm as the disk started to spark in damage.

In her state of surprised, a cop slipped behind her, snatching both her arms. Handcuffs were clasped on each side. She was roughly tugged backwards, grunted as the cuffs pressed into her skin. The police were cheering at her successful capture.         

She tried to wrestle her way out of the tight grasp, albeit it was a useless attempt. Her mask was forcefully removed by another officer, anger was easily detected on her face. 

"You gave us quite the annoying chase. Months wasted on your capture." Her captor cups her face before punching her in the face.  She winced silently, refusing to give them the satisfaction the to cry in pain. Anger pented up inside her,  gritting her teeth. Her right arm reacted, and a red light shone, blinding everyone. She used the distraction to wiggle out of her captor's grasped and sprinted away.  

Her eyes darted for the quickest escape route. In her direction, a garage shoot was half opened. Giving up her last ounce of energy, the girl dived into the shoot. The burst of momentum made her skid clumsily into the narrow passageway. The slip of footing sent her backwards- and her hands useless from cuffs- hitting her head on metal and darkness took over.   

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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