Chapter Two

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Jayden's POV

I finally get to my last class and I'm happy one more hour them I go home. I just can't get that girl out of my head. She just seemed so different the all the rest of theses females strolling around  John Ehret. She seemed to have a certain innocence around her. My thoughts were interrupted when my teacher Ms. Greene asked me to answer the question on the board. I sighed and took my scratch paper to do the equation and said what I hoped was right.
"That's correct " she said  just then our class door opened. It was her she walked in and handed our teach a folder. I guess she felt someone staring at her and looked directly at me. I quickly turned my head and pretended to look out the window. Wondering if she knew it was me.

Paris' POV

I felt someone staring at me. When I walked in to Ms. Greene's to hand her a folder from Mr. Donaldson. I look over my shoulder to see who's looking at me and I could've sworn that Jayden was staring but when I looked at him he was looking out the window. So I just let that go and went to go back to class.

Jayden's POV

When she left out of class I knew she knew it was me staring. I quickly raised my hand and asked "May I go to the restroom Ms. Greene."
"Yes hurry back" she says signing my pass. I hurried out the door to try and catch Paris. When I stepped out the door she was walking to what I'm guessing was her class. I called after "Paris aye wait up" she turned around looking surprised to see me walking towards her.
"Yes" she says shyly looking down at her feet.
I lift her chin so that she is looking me in the eyes. She had the prettiest brown eyes.
"I was wondering if you were coming to the basketball game tonight? " I asked .
"I don't know probably now why would I ?" She asked with her eyebrow raised.
"To support your boy . " I said winking at her.
She blushed and said "I'll see if I can get a ride"
" Don't worry about it ma I'll make sure you get home"
"Ok " she said with a smile.
"Here text me after school and we will go get something to eat ."
I take her phone and put my number in it and text myself then go back to class with a smile plastered on my face.

Paris' POV

I almost passed out when Jayden called my name and told me to text him. I just knew he was coming out to tell me I had forgot to get something from the teacher. We only had about 10 minutes to the bell then minute I walked in to the class I got a text it was him. He save his number in my phone as Future😈 I was flabbergasted.
Future😈- Hey
P-Money😍- Hey
Future😈- do you know what you want to eat after school.
P-Money😍- It really doesn't matter whatever you want is fine.
Future😈- okay I'll figure it out meet me by the field house.
P-Money😍- okay
Five minutes later the bell rung and my stomach started to do flips I was nervous just to be in his presence. I walked in the hallway going to my locker and Raven was there waiting for me to catch the bus.
"Hey girl" she says .
"What's up" I said with the biggest smile.
"Why you so happy you ready to catch the bus"
"Well I got someone's number and they are taking me to eat.
" Who?!"
"Jayden" I say in almost a whisper.
Her eyes get so big and she jumps up and down.
"Bitch I know you lying" she said questioning.
"Nope he asked me to come to the basketball game to so I need someone to go and watch with.
" I was already going so we can just meet up when we get there but I'll call you later I have to go catch this bus.
"Okay I'll see you there bye.
I begin to walk all the back of our school. When I arrive there Jayden is leaning on his brand new all black Challenger.
He looks up at me and smiles. He walks up to me and hugs me all I could do was smile, I felt my cheeks turning red from my blushing."Hey you" he says. "What's up " I say trying to sound cool. "You ready to go eat." he asks. "Yeah" I said walking to the passenger side. He quickly walks to my side and opens the door so I can get in. Then runs to his side and pulls out.

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