Messed Up (Ch 30)

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(Still Dilly's PoV)

Dammnnn. He really is fucked up. I gotta do something about this. Nate NEVER acts like this. I need to figure out what's wrong with him. I thought to myself. I'm staring blankly at him with no expression at all. "What are you staring at, Dilly?" He asked. "I'm staring at you, Nate." I say. "Why?" He replied. "Cause you NEVER do this, EVER. So what's going on, Nate, Please be honest with me." I say.

He stands up and comes really close to me. So close; that air could barely get in between us. WHAT THE FUCK??? I thought. HE'S KISSING ME!! I was too shocked to pull. But finally I pushed myself away from him. "Nate, What on this motherfucking earth possessed you to do that??" I asked almost crying. "Please don't cry, Dilly, I thought that's what you wanted." He replies. I don't say anything. He steps close again and I step back. "Dilly, please, what's wrong?" He asked. "Why did you fucking kiss me?" I asked crying. "DIdn't you want that?" He answers.

"Not from you, Nate; from someone that actually has feelings for me; not a friend that is trying to cheer me up. Like what even possessed you to do that? WHY?" I yelled at him. I could see the hurt in his eyes. "I'm.. I'm sorry, Nate, I didn't mean to yell. I'm sorry, I didn't get a lot of sleep. I'm... I'm sorry, Nate." I say sliding my back down the wall putting my hands on my face. I was crying. Fuck now he thinks I'm crying because of him. This is just great. I thought. He sits down next to me. "DIlly, do you really think I'm gonna think that you're crying over me?" He asked. I paused. "What?" I asked softly. "You said. Fuck now he thinks I'm crying because of him." He says. Oh shit I thought I was thinking to myself. I thought.

Nate's PoV

"Nate, what possessed you to kiss me?" He asked once again. I looked at him; realizing what I just done. "I don't know, DIlly, I just felt like it was the right thing to do. I'm sorry." I said. "Don't be, Nate." He replied. "Hm? How come?" I asked. "Because like you said, you were just trying to help." He replied. "NO, Dilly, I fucked up. You even know I did. You can't tell me I didn't because we both know I did." I said. "Okay, fine you did, Nate. You happy now?" He questioned. I look at him. "No, I'm not, okay, Dilly. I just kissed you. I don't even remember how I got down from the roof." I replied. "How did I get down from the roof, Dilly?" I asked him.

He looked shocked. "Well, I was looking for you because you weren't in my floor or my bed like you normally are. So I remember you like going on the roof to think or just to get away from the world. And I found you on the roof you were talking to yourself about how you were a fuck up with me. So then we started getting into a conversation about why you weren't a fuck up. Then this is where I started getting a little freaked out. Because you started calling me babe. You were saying you wanted to see me in my uniform. So finally after when argued about it. We came back down and we came to my room. Then you grabbed my ass. and then next thing I knew you were kissing me." He explains going through each detail like it was a horrible nightmare.

"I really did all of that?" I asked shocked. "Yes, Nate, you really did." He says. I lay my head back against the wall. "Fuck, I'm so sorry, Dilly. Please forgive me." I said a single tear slipped from my eye. Dilly saw it. He wiped the tears and grabbed my hand; holding it tightly in his. "Why are you doing that, Dilly?" I asked. "Because I know when you start getting mad you ball up your fist. And I don't want you to be mad; especially at yourself." He says. "How do you know that, Dilly?" I asked. "Because we're friends, Nate, close friends at that." He replies.

There was a moment of silence.

"So do you want me to leave so you can change?" I asked him. "Nah, you're fine, Nate, I actually need help with something." He replies putting on his pants. "And what would that be?" I asked. He grabs my other hand and pulls me up. "Damn, I can't get over how strong you really are, Dilly." I say. "Well I don't like showing it off like most guys do. I don't like to, it makes me feel like I'm starving for attention." He says. "Oh, I get what you mean, Dilly. So what is it you need help with?" I asked. "It will just be really quick and then you can sleep. Okay, Nate?" He says. "Okay, I got you." I replied. "Can you grab that long mirror and hang it on the back of my closet door please; and then can you take off your shirt and stand in front of the mirror. He says. "Umm, why do you want me to take my shirt off, Dilly?" I asked. "Just trust me, okay?" He said taking off his shirt.

"Oh I see what you're doing now." I said laughing. "Yeah," he laughed. "You should have noticed when I said grab the mirror." He says. "Well, let's take some photos then, Dilly." I said, "I got you, Nate." He says. We both flex and take a couple of photos while flexing and then I got on Dilly's back; I grabbed his phone went on Snapchat and take a photo. I titled the caption. "Hanging with Nate, Y'all motherfucking can't compare to him." I handed Dilly back his phone, he laughed saving the photo before posting it on Snapchat. "Just like old times, huh DIlly?" I asked him. "Yeah, exactly like old times; that reminds me. Nate, looking at this photo of us back in the 7th grade." He says handing me his phone.

I was looking at the two of us back when we were in 7th grade, we look completely different from how we look now. I was staring at it and then I was looking at the photo we just took. "Oh shit, Dilly, we look so different now. Puberty hit us very well." I said. "I know, Nate, we have changed so much." He replies. "Well you need to get going to that competition of yours; Good luck, Dilly." I said grabbing a pair of Dilly's shorts. "Yeah, I know, and you need to get some sleep, Nate." He says grabbing his jacket. "Can you turn off the light when you leave?" I asked. "Yeah, I got you, Nate. fan on or did you stop sleeping with fans on?" He asked. "Boy, you know this already, Dilly." I said. "I was just making sure, Nate." He says laughing. "Okay." I reply. I laugh as I grab the blanket and covered myself up.

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