A Lil' Shocked - Pt 5

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Title: A Lil' Shocked - Pt 5
Pairing: Rhack (Handsome Jack x Rhys)
Warnings: Swearing.

Summary(?): No one believes Rhys works for the great Handsome Jack, so he has to show them he does, Rhys explains why Angel shot him, and Jack tries being 'smooth' again.


"He did what?!" Vaughn shouted following Rhys around their apartment on Helios, Yvette was leaning against a wall watching the boys talk.

"I mean, yeah he did strangle me, but.." Rhys paused getting a cup from a shelve ".. He did it gently?" Rhys shrugged.

"Gently?!" The little man continued shouting and drinking his tea, "I think you're being to nice to him, why was he choking you in the first place?"

"Strangling." Rhys corrected

"Strangling, you in the first place?" Vaughn finished plopping down on their couch still watching Rhys make coffee.

"I disrespected him.. i guess." The tall man shrugged tightening his mechanical arm remembering what had happened yesterday. Yvette sighed.

"This i why i think you should quit being his PA." The woman said taking a seat next to Vaughn on the couch. "He would kill you if you like, messed up his sandwich."

Rhys was pouring his coffee when he rolled his eyes at Yvette, "You guys are making him out as a tyrant." He sighed "And Yvette, the only way i quit.." He gestured towards a window, "..Is out there."

"But he is a tyrant Rhys, i think you're forgetting that." Yvette sighed placing a hand on her hip. "What did he give you? You're acting like his slave, you have like, ZERO, opinions now."

"Yeah what did you even say to him that made him strangle you?" Vaughn finally said putting his tea on a table nearby the couch.

"I'duhno, something about the flowers he gave me.." Rhys took a sip of his coffee.

Someone entered the room, fixing their tie. Vasquez.

"Oh, so he gave you flowers did he now?" Vasquez said with his booming, but obnoxious voice. "Why do you gotta lie, Rhys." He grinned "We all know you are just making stuff up."

Just when Rhys was about to object his ECHO 'rang', He lifted his mechanical arm and a blue light beamed out, he couldn't see Jack, but Rhys knew he was there.

"Hey, Rhysie, I need some help here." Jack said sounding a bit distressed, which made Rhys start worrying. "So, uh, hurry up with whatever shit you're doing right now, and get to my office!" He shouted towards the end before the ECHO shut down.

The look on Vasquez's face was all that Rhys needed to see, he could feel his face turning into a grin.

"Duty calls." He laughed seeing Vasquez frozen. It didn't take long for Rhys to down his coffee and exit the room.


Just as Rhys had exited the room he ran into someone and he watched papers fly everywhere. The woman holding the papers collapsed. "Oh! I'm so sorry sir!" She said on the floor panicking to gather the papers up, Rhys was to awkward to say anything, so he just got on his knees and helped her pick up the papers. Once the papers where gathered they just kinda stood there and stared at each other, "Well i uh.." Rhys started.

"Yeah you gotta.." The woman paused "You have a job.. as do it so.." She looked around awkwardly.

"Yeah." They both said in unison, "I'm Rhys by the way, and what's your name?" Rhys asked.

"May." The woman said simply "And i like you're name, Rhys." She smiled, "So i better get going now.." She said before running off and waving her hand at Rhys. He did the same.

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