A Lil Shocked - Pt 1

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Title: A Lil' Shocked - Pt 1
Pairing: Rhack (Handsome Jack x Rhys)
Warnings: Swearing.


It was a normal day on Helios, Loaderbots were being bros, underpaid stooges were being rude, innocent people were being jetted our airlocks, it was a good day. Except on thing, Handsome Jack was NOT happy... for some.. reasons.

The man and his daughter were standing outside one of the labs on Helios. Something was off.

"You did what?" Jack growled under his breath putting his hand on his daughter, Angel's, shoulder, trying to be the least scary, he was failing miserably.

"I'm sorry daddy." The young siren whimpered, what ever she did, she didn't mean it.

Jack sighed letting his hand rest at his side, and crouched down to look his little girl in the eyes.

"What exactly did you do?"

"I.. I zapped a man.." Angel paused looking down but quickly looked up and started to shake her hands "B- but i didn't mean to hurt him!" She shouted quietly.

"N- no its okay.. i bet the jerk deserved it." Jack smiled "What was his name anyway?"

"He.. he wasn't a jerk though, he was just trying to help me.. but i got scarred.. I'm sorry. Oh.. and his name is Rice." Angel smiled.

"Rice?" Jack laughed "What a weirdo." He stood up "Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't tell anyone about your... 'Gift.'"

" Stay outside."


The older man entered the lab pushing the doors away, hips swaying, he paused. This 'Rice' guy looked like he really took a hit from his girl, it was almost admirable you know, if it wasn't from a child. The younger man was spread out on a hospital gurney. There were bandages covering his torso and his left arm. The other arm was 'upgraded' as some would say, with a older model mechanical arm, but it was almost torn to shreds, though the man could still move it. Gosh, what the heck happened?

"Yo Ricey!" Jack shouted walking up to the younger man, he was gonna continue before a younger hand stopped him. A nurse.

"Sir, i know you have business to attend with this man.." The nurse said calmly "But he is still injured very badly--"

"N- no it's fine.." The younger man spoke, waving the nurse to continue.

Jack smiled and spoke.

"You look a lil' shocked. What the hell did you do to my little girl?" Jack said.

"Uh.. i don't think you noticed.. but um." The boy gestured at the whole 'hospitalized' thing. "It's more than being shocked and uh, your daughter isn't the one attached to machinery and all that." He sassed.

"Excuse me?" Jack's hands changed into fists "You realize i could have your ungrateful piece 'o shit ass air locked, right?" He pointed outside the lab "Space."

"Shut up." The boy snapped

"Who the hell do you think you are?! Where do you even work?"

"Middle management." He paused "And don't swear.."

"Why? Baby can't handle it?" Jack mocked.

"No.. but your 'little girl' is outside.. and with you screaming, she can probably hear." The man rolled his eyes.

He was right.. Jack shouldn't have be swearing so close to Angel, but of course he wouldn't say that.

"Don't tell me how to raise my child." The older man said crossing his arms.

"Oh.. I'm Rhys by the way."

"Reese? Rhees? Ruce? What the hell kinda name is that?"



"RHYS." Rhys said raising his voice.

"Yeah.. i know I'm screwing with you," Jack laughed. "Reese."

Rhys clenched his teeth and tightened his hands into a fist.

"When i get outta here--"

"If." The nurse cut him off.

"IF i get outta here.. oh I'm gonna.." Rhys waved his finger "..Gonna teach you how to pronounced my name!" Rhys declared before breaking down laughing.

Rhys wasn't so bad, maybe Jack wouldn't air lock him.

"Listen--" Jack started.

"Rice I'm sorry!" The young girl ran into the lab cutting her father off, she was clutching a tiny pony-unicorn plush "I didn't mean for you to get hurt i just.." Angel looked at Jack who was giving her 'the look', which basically meant,

'Don't you dare tell this man about you being a siren i can just get him to look the 'other way'.'

"I think you're nice Rice and I'm sorry if you got hurts." Angel whined. But she clearly didn't know what being in a gurney mean, Rhys laughed.

"I'm fine." Rhys smiled trying to reach out to angel before instinctively pulling back in pain. "Ah!" He winced.

"Your ribs and several other bones are broken.. stay still." The nursed groaned, she clearly didn't like her job.

"Oh!" Angel looked down. "Your bones are broken.. Did i do that?!" Angel looked like she was one the verge on tears. And Jack clearly wasn't gonna do anything about it, he just kinda, stood there, like he was waiting to see what Rhys would do.

Rhys reached out for Angels head bringing her closer to place a small peck on her forehead and wipe her tears away, Jack smiled in approval of something.

"No.. its fine Angel, i know what you did was just.. instinctive." Rhys cooed.

"What does instuctive mean?"

Rhys laughed "I means you did it without thinking." He patted Angel on her head.

Angel leaned in standing on her tip toes resting a kiss on Rhys' forehead in return as well as placing the plush next to his robot arm. The kiss made a small light before fading as fast as it came.

"Get well soon please, Ricey." She smiled

"I'll try." Rhys said snuggling the plush and watching Angel skip out the lab doors. "You should probably get going with her." The younger man said looking up at Jack.

"Wha.. oh yeah.." Jack was clearly day dreaming "Look uh.. clearly Angel likes you, so that makes you okay in my book." He paused. "So i won't jettison you out an air lock."

Rhys took that as a sign of good faith.


There was an awkward amount of silence before the nurse broke it.

"You should leave if you're done here." She clearly didn't care about being rude to Jack.

"Fine." Jack said simply before turning on his heels. "I'll be back tomorrow."

"Why?" Rhys raised an eyebrow.

"To check on you of course." Jack grinned.


Jack cut him off laughing. "No idiot, I'm coming back for the stuff animal, i liked it."

"Oh. Okay." Rhys said, he turned his head back up at the ceiling letting Jack walk away.

Jack started to exit the room before placing his hand on the door to push it open, but he paused and he felt his face.


He was blushing.


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