Hi its me? Or him? Or her? What?

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Hi. Um I am like totally excited O M G wHaT? I bet you're thinking what, too?

Well anyways I'm sorry if there's any mistakes in this story. Please leave a comment if you think that it's incorrect.

I'm, like, new. My writing skills will most likely improve. ;P

Oh, and btw All Rights Reserved

Sorry if I have wasted your time/battery percentage, I'm picturing someone in my mind screaming "damn right you have" I'm nervous, you know?? That's why I'm totally blabbering, you can flip the page now if you want. Or stay with me *evil laugh* Nah, jk I'm going to the next page. Cya on the next page.

P.s I'm not crazy-WAIT, if there's anyone actually reading this, O. M. G, thank you so much. I'll leave you be now. TTYL. :)

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