Guilty Pleasure

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I bet when you kiss me is when you start to miss her...
Do I taste like guilt?
Because you taste like you don't have a care or a preference
I'm so caught on the idea of "us"
That I forget that your selfish
Its crazy how your the one Thats carefree
While I proceed to be careless
My head stays in the clouds
While your head stays level
On that high I get from being pissed at you
Lemme tell you what I see
I see us holding hands
But the only one clutching back was me
I see unsure smiles, and lustful eyes
Teary tissues, but no sound of cries
When I'm Fed up. I forget how to speak
I'll walk past you like your the ghost Thats haunting me...
And you do....
Images of you flood my mind like a bridge torn in two and
I look stupid trying to fix it
I look stupid mopping up our conversations
When the only thing you do is leave your dirty foot prints
I let you in my home because I thought you knew that my door will always open for you...
But now I feel like getting that key I leave under the mat for you...
Shit. You never use it.
Because you never visit.
And its crazy how even though you have never lain a hand on me, my ego aches from unseen brusises
I advoid your eyes as if they were bound to make me tell the truth
Though, I'm pretty sure you know what the truth looks like,
Your so use to old tricks
I'm not surprised you act "brand new"
You selfish being
Why you always gotta think of you?
If you were aware of anything you would see
That's a job I already do..
Even though the pay is low and the hours are long
And my mind gets tired from thinking about what I do Wrong When the answer is nothing but
I still seem to have airy cries like a wimpering puppy
Wanting you to come to me
I can't help that kissing me makes you capable of common sense
I can't help that your heart throbs from something wrong even when there isnt.
I bet when you kiss me is when you start to miss her...
Does it taste like guilt?
Nah it cant
I believe you have it confused with the taste of wanting
Someone else.

- Ria

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