Chapter 16: Secrets.

Começar do início

Vinnie scowled up at him. "You sure have a way with words." Vinnie muttered sarcastically.

Pietro stretched out a hand for her to grab.

Vinnie flashed him a snotty smirk and stood up on her own. "No thanks." The hissed.

Pietro rolled her eyes and tucked his arms back in across his chest. "You know, you never ate that sandwich I made you. I know you're still hungry."

Vinnie did not answer him, but it was true. She really was. She had not eaten since the day before. Her lack of words gave him the answer he was looking for.

"C'mon, princess." He said as he turned his back to her and crouched down.

Vinnie made a face. "What the heck are you doing?" She laughed.

"Get on, stupid." He said.

"Get on... your back?" Vinnie questioned, looking at him like he was crazy.

Pietro sprung to his feet and spun around to face her. "No, we're going to play leap-frog!" He hissed sarcastically, throwing his hands up in frustration. "Why are you so complicated? Why can't you just do what you're told? It would be a lot easier if you just did what you're told." Pietro growled, crossing his arms again.

"Well, geeze!" Vinnie gasped. "Sounds like someone is PMSing." She flashed him a sly smile.

Pietro put his fingers to his forehead and closed his eyes as he massaged his skull. She could tell she was getting under his skin. "Forget it. Starve then." He dropped his hand back to his side and turned and began to walk away.

Vinnie's curiosity got the best of her, like always. She ran up next to him before he got too far. She did not look up at him... she just looked straight forward as they walked side by side. But Pietro had glanced down at her. They walked silently for a moment or two before Vinnie broke the silence. "So, I really want you to be honest with me." She knew this was probably stupid to say.

Pietro snickered. "Okay." He looked forward again.

"Why aren't we fighting right now? Physically, I mean. We're supposed to be enemies, and so far, we've been acting more like... more like..." She could not find a comparison.

"Like boyfriend and girlfriend?" He added.

Those words made her heart flutter.

...Wait, why did they make her heart flutter?

"No, no, no." Vinnie shook her head, trying to get those words out of her mind. "More like, roommates." She swallowed hard. "Wait, boyfriend and girlfriend? What girlfriend did you have that made you act like a jerk all the time? And was she the same way? 'Cause you guys would be perfect for each other." She giggled to herself.

"Trust me. I've had a lot of girlfriends." He looked down at her and winked.

"Right." Vinnie mumbled, rolling her eyes. "No, we're more like roommates." She stated again.

Pietro nodded once in understanding. However... he did not answer.

Vinnie looked up at him. He was so tall. "So?" She mumbled. "I mean, you haven't exactly been a threat. All of my friends told me to stay away from you because apparently you are such a bad guy."

Pietro cleared his throat, and Vinnie was expecting him to answer. "So what brought you to Bayville?" Pietro asked instead, completely ignoring her statements. He never looked down at her; he started straight forward as they continued to walk.

X-Men: Revolution.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora