Winter Wonderland cont.("He's Perfect")

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Clove tries not to laugh at her friends honesty, but she couldn't help but pull out a small laugh.  Clove places her hand and rests it on his.  "You are a great person Marvel, you have a great heart in a different way then everyone else.  You see the light out of everything and who can make anyone laugh.  If I could say something there is nothing wrong with being funny, I kinda like that goof in you."  She says tapping at his hand.

Marvel pulls out a laugh for he was allowing her to bring a smile back at him rather the other way around.  "Oh I see so I'm the goof of the clan but what about...."  Yet as he tried to pull out his right hand to point at her he forgot his right hand rested near his glass which fell over into Cloves lap.  "Oh my gosh Clove, I'm so sorry!"  He said quickly as she jumped out of her seat trying to get a napkin to dry off.  But instead of being mad she just laughed.

"It's okay Marvel no big deal, I was meaning to change these pants any ways.  I'm just going to go to the restroom to dry off." 

So she says as she crumbles a napkin into her hand and patted herself.  "Okay, sorry about that!"  

Clove shook her head as she skips to the bathroom which was completely empty when she entered in.  Running the water through a paper towel with soap she dabs the cloth into her shirt and pants.  Thank goodness it was just sprite.  She says to herself when all of a sudden she hears familiar voices coming in.  It sounded like someone she knew of but wasn't total certain as to who it could be and without really thinking she ran into a bathroom stall.

"Glimmer come over here so we can talk better!"  Came a voice which sounded like Ravenna.  Ravenna holds the door wide open so that the Glimmer and Vixen could enter.  Quickly as Clove knew it was Glimmer coming in she leans off the bathroom door and steps onto the toilet seat.  Trying to position herself just right without falling or making a sound.  Glimmer walks proudly to the sinks and admires herself for a second as she primps her curly hair.  Clove tries to hold her breath in to avoid being heard. 

"Okay girl are you going to spill it yet?"  Ravenna says excitedly as she nears the sink.

Glimmer looks to her friend with a smile and looks side to side.  "No one is in here is there?"  Clove's eyes widen up hoping they wouldn't look through the stalls and find her snooping.  Luckily the girls just looked underneath the bottom of the stalls where they found nothing.

"No your good."  Vixen pops up from scanning underneath from the farthest stall.  "So go ahead and tell us, what's going on?"  Glimmer breaths in heavily as Clove leans in closer to the door to listen. 

"I think I'm in love with Cato Marshall!"  Glimmer says as she  jumps up and down like a little girl who was in a candy shop.  Ravenna and Vixen look to the other and celebrate along.

 "Are you serious?  I mean your talking about THEE Cato Marshall right, well how did it all start?  Said Vixen who moved in closer to Glimmer.

Glimmer turns to the mirror fixing her lip gloss that she reapplied.  "Well you know when we went to that bonfire the first night we arrived right?  Well he was there and I got to talk to him afterwards and I asked him if he would like to do anything sometime while we were here."  Both Ravenna and Vixen nod and stared at her craving for more info.  "Well for the past four days now when he's not with his lame friends we hang out.  Like last night we took the snow mobile up to the mountain and he brought hot coffee and we just talked and talked."

Clove started feeling sick to her stomach hearing all this and was about to make herself known until the next question that one of the girls said.  "So do you like him?"

Glimmer slowly turns her friend as if she was shocked she ever said that.  "Um yeah I do, he's like perfect for me.  He's tall, blonde, sexy, charming I mean he is the ideal perfect guy who doesn't have any know like me.  Which is exactly what I want it to be."  The two girls giggle at the other as Clove seriously wanted to throw up now.  "I really like him, and you know what? He's already kissed me once."  Glimmer says giddily!! 

By now both Ravenna and Vixen where speechless.  "Nooo, you serious...what was it like?"

"Amazing!  He kissed me last night when we were on the mountain.  And right now I'm suppose to meet him at the game room.  So I hate to do this to you gals but I have to ditch you both!"  She says as she moves aside from the girls happily.  

Vixen moves aside for her friend and leans against the wall which she accidentally pushes the hand dryer that started to buzz.  "Oh well don't mind if us if you do!"  Vixen says as she and Ravenna follow her out with a few laughs.  As the door descends so does Clove also sinks onto the floor from the toilet that she stood on.

 This can't  be happening...I did not just hear what I think I heard...Cato and Glimmer, a couple?  Does she even know about his health issue, better yet does he like her?  Clove wonders as she slowly sneaks out of the bathroom stall and to the dryer that still was going off.  Just then she realized she had left Marvel at the bar table and knew he was probably wondering why it was taking her so long to fix her clothes.  So she quickly runs her shirt into the dryer and escapes the bathroom.

 "Well there you are...what took you so long?"  As Marvel saw Clove approach back into her chair.

 But Clove sinks into her chair and stares the distance.  "Hey you ok?"  Marvel says as he looks at her.

  Slowly she takes a deep breath and wonders into his eyes.  "Marvel, what kind of person do you think I am?"

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