Chapter 2: Best Kiss EVER!

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"Oh no!" I thought.

I had met this creature before.Dr. Thorn, the manticore. The monster that was part lion, part scorpion, and part man that could shoot poisonous spikes from its tails. Nice guy to have as a wedding minister, huh?

I deflected the first few spikes with my blade. Annabeth got up and did the same thing with her knife, slashing out at the beast when she could.

That's when it all happened. All the cooks, musicians, ushers, and seating directors, turned into horrible monsters, most of which I had encountered before. Medusa and her two sisters, the Gorgons, the chimera, a family of Cyclopes, and a few Laistrygonian giants were some of the monsters that jumped out and started to attack. With so many monsters running around, all the campers, Hunters, and the gods were busy fighting them. There was a good thirty monsters at least. A few of the campers got the mortals off the balcony before they could get hurt.

I had to focus on this monster though. I knew him and he knew me. We knew each other's moves. I hadn't even been the one to defeat this thing. Artemis and the Hunters came at literally the last second and made this thing go over the side of a cliff. Of course it took Annabeth with it. But that was in the past. I needed to kill this thing right now before it took Annabeth away from me, permanently.

A spike whizzed past my head. If the tip would so much as touch my head, I would have disintegrated on the spot.

I hit the monster in the shoulder blade, disintegrating it. I looked into Annabeth's grey eyes and both of our eyes said the same message, "Good luck!" and we headed in different directions to help our friends.

I met up with Clarisse, not intentionally, and got back to back at her, each of us facing a Gorgon.

"Geez, Jackson. Couldn't you have checked out your wedding staff a little more?" she asked with the usual sarcasm in her voice.

"Shut up, Clarisse," I replied. I had known this daughter of Ares for ten years and she had never gotten any less annoying.

The Gorgons lashed out at us with their razor sharp claws and teeth. They looked to be as sharp as needles, although I didn't want to find out. If only I had a water source, I could blast thing.

"Wait a sec!The Hudson River is right below me!" I thought.

If this monster wasn't trying to claw my eyes out, I would've smacked myself.

I tried to concentrate with all my might without losing my focus on fighting the Gorgon. I imagined the water from the Hudson rising up towards the balcony to me. I saw the first of the water. I blasted the Gorgon up against a nearby wall. While she was held there, attempting to get out, I cut off her head and let the water recede, taking the dust with it.

I left Clarisse to finish off her Gorgon and ended up with another one of my earlier monsters, the Laistrygonian giant, Joe Bob. This was one of the monsters that attacked Tyson and I at school and got me blamed for burning down the gym. He was eight feet tall with wild eyes, pointed teeth, and hairy arms that were tattooed. This could throw searing hot balls. Again, I hadn't been the one to defeat this guy. Tyson had hit the other two giants in the chest with the same balls while Annabeth had run this one through with her knife from behind. I guess I would have to do the same thing.

"So, Perseus Jackson, we meet the again.cFor the last time," Joe Bob said and grinned evilly, showing off his pointed teeth.

"I agree. This will be the last time we meet.Cause I'm sending you back to Kronos!" I replied, holding my sword out in front of me.

The giant let out such a loud roar I think it shook the whole balcony at the name of it's old master who I had helper send to Tartarus, where he'll be forever. Hopefully.

He made a searing hot ball appear in his hands, yet it didn't hurt him at all. He threw it at me at the speed on sound. I ducked it just in time so that it just barely seared my hair and landed in the Hudson. I looked up to see another and dodged to the right. I thought again for a split second. I knew what to do.

When the cannibal threw another ball, I was prepared. I had summoned the water again. I formed it like a shield in front of me. When he threw the ball at me, I caught it in my shield. I pushed with all my strength the water with the ball in it. It threw the ball into the giant's chest, making him explode into a column of smoke.

By then all the monsters had been turned to dust or smoke and gone back to Tartarus where hopefully they would stay for a while.

Everybody was either getting done nectar and ambrosia or helping the wounded. I walked towards Annabeth and was relieved that I couldn't see any wounds on her.

When I was finally standing next to her, I asked, "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?" she answered, looking me in the eyes, she also said, "I just wish for once they didn't bother us. That they didn't have to ruin our special day," she said with tears in her eyes.

"It's not completely ruined," I said with a mischievous grin.

I saw my Pegasus, Blackjack, circling below. I smiled and took Annabeth's hand. We jumped and landed on Blackjack's back.

I took Annabeth's face in my hands. Everybody clapped and cheered from above. I kissed her, on the lips, with nothing to stop us. Now THAT, was the best kiss ever!
A/N: So those 1st two chapters was the original short story! I'll post the 3rd chapter later tonight (it's 12:10) or tomorrow! What did ya think of the whole original part? Next chapter will be dedicated to the best commenter.

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