"Th-thank you..."

On the other side of the room, Seira quietly let out a sigh. You shouldn't have said that, Cosette.


"Alright, Konimi, it's now or never. How was yesterday?" Kaito-sensei watched her closely, but Cosette betrayed no sign of emotion.

"It was fun," the blonde shrugged nonchalantly as the doors opened again.

"Ah, good-morning, Yaku. We'll finish up this scene, and then we'll let you go back to your matches."

The libero nodded. "Thank you, Kaito-sensei."

"Have you seen where Miyahara and---"

"I-I'm here, I'm here! Sorry, I was looking for Yume-chan."

"Alright, we're all here. Konimi, Yaku, I trust you two have bonded enough to get this scene right. Let's get it all in one take, shall we?"

"Yes, sensei," the two replied.

"Miyahara, the camera, if you please. I'm entering at the end of the scene."


"You're wearing the clip I gave you," Yaku smiled as he passed Cosette. "I'm glad."


"Alright, one, two, three... action!" Yume called out, pressing record.


"How strange - this feeling that my life's begun at last!
This change - can people really fall in love so fast?
What's the matter with you, Cosette?
Have you been too much on your own?"

Cosette (Konimi) sinks against her bedroom wall, amazed at herself and her own feelings. Alone in her room, she begins to sing softly to herself, thinking of the boy she had seen earlier in the streets.

"So many things unclear -
So many things unknown...

In my life
There are so many questions and answers
That somehow seem wrong.
In my life
There are times when I catch in the silence
The sigh of a faraway song
And it sings
Of a world that I long to see -
Out of reach
Just a whisper away
Waiting for me!
Does he know I'm alive?
Do I know if he's real?
Does he see what I see?
Does he feel what I feel?

In my life
I'm no longer alone -
Now the love in my life
Is so near...
Find me now! Find me here!"

The door opens to reveal Jean Valjean (Kaito), who is Cosette's father in place of her deceased mother, Fantine.

"My dear Cosette... how lonely you seem everyday."

The blonde girl turns to look at him

"You're such a lonely child.
How pensive, how sad you seem to me...
Believe me, were it within my power
I'd fill each passing hour.
How quiet it must be, I can see,
With only me for company."

"There's so little I know
That I'm longing to know
Of the man that you were
In a time long ago...
There's so little you say
Of the life you have known,
Why you keep to yourself,
Why we're always alone.
So dark! So dark and deep,
The secrets that you keep!
In my life
Please forgive what I say
You are loving and gentle and good.
But papa, dear papa,
In your eyes I am still like that child
Who was lost in a wood.

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