Chapter 23- Split Scenes

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Brendon's POV

The unwanted voice in my head has chilled out a bit now. After about a week of stupid comments it decided it was enough to leave me mentally unstable and unable to trust anymore. Great.

Yeah, that last week's been quite tough, I haven't told Ryan or anyone because I don't want him to worry. I'm okay now anyway. I just hope it won't come back.

Ryan says tomorrow will be a special day because he's taking me out somewhere and it's going to be 'awesomely awesome'. I don't even know what's going to happen or where he's taking me but I'm really looking forward to it. Ugh I love him. And yes, I have admitted that to myself...just not to him, Not yet. Hopefully soon but I don't want to scare him or anything. I just love him a lot and want him to be happy.

Ryan's POV

"Wow yeah that's the best idea I've ever heard. Thanks so much you two omg, it's going to be amazing" I say, very excited at the idea of taking Brendon out. A text was sent to him about half an hour ago explaining about tomorrow but not telling what we're doing. It's going to be a surprise and no matter how much I'm excited, nothing will stop me from feeling just a little nervous. I mean, I'm telling him I love him. Yeah, I know whatever happens he'll still be there but... I don't know. I'm so excited though!

"Yeah it's gonna be pretty awesome, text us before you set off?" Spencer says.

"Will do, I can't wait. Wait, do you have the blankets? And you definitely know that truck is available? And that it's a clear night?" I ramble. Oh God if it goes wrong, the whole night will be ruined.

"Ryan, I promise. Me and Jon have got everything ready. It's going to be perfect."


Brendon's POV

"Where are we going? Pleeaaassse tell me!" I chime, still bopping my head to the relatively loud music in the truck. Not Ryan's truck of course but he said he borrowed it 'from a friend'. EEEKKKK I'm so excited where are we going?

"Bren, I'm not telling you, you frigging turtle. It's called a surprise for a reason." He replies but most of his attention is on the road. Driving's pretty hard for him as he moved to America around the time most of us started driving lessons so he's a few lessons behind. He does well though and I completely trust him. I groan, pretending to be annoyed. Ryan smiles his beautiful smile but still shakes his head. Did I tell you he looks spectacular tonight? His hair's perfect along with everything else about him. I'm so lucky.


Round about half an hour later, Ryan stops the truck. It's dark outside so I cant really see anything but I can vaguely make out the outline of some trees? Seat belts are released and so are we as we both slam the truck doors behind us. I look around and see... nothing. Nothing but the silent trees swaying gracefully in the slight breeze, and the sky. Oh... the sky. The beautiful light shines down from the stars above us, creating a flawless masterpiece of beams. It almost looks like the opening to heaven. The artful crystals are dotted round the dark night sky. So beautiful. Not to mention the moon. Big and beaming, it's mocking rays spreading out all across the sky, the whole scene is perfect.

Ryan comes round the side of the pickup truck and takes my shivering hand, leading me to the back of it. He rips the waterproof sheet off of it and shoves that back into the front seat. There lies blankets, loads of them. It only takes another gaze at the view to realise where he has brought me.

You see, there's this cliff. A huge, tall cliff looking over the woods I think. It's where everyone goes to get away, you only understand why once you've seen it at night and on a night like this. And now, I understand.

We climb in and surround ourselves in fluffy blankets. Not a word has been said since we arrived but have a feeling he wants to talk about something.

"Ryan. It's beautiful." I whisper. I don't want to disturb the peaceful nature taking shelter here of course. His smile shines brighter than any star and he squeezes my hand delicately. I love him. I really do.

"Brendon, I-I brought you here to tell you something. A- and it's been on my mind for a while now, I just couldn't bare not telling you. So, that's why we're here." He shuffles his posture against the side of truck and held my hand firmer.

I don't really know what to feel right now apart from love. I know it's not anything bad because of the gentleness of his voice. Plus, I know when something's up with him and now is not one of them times. I guess he takes my silence as a cue to carry on when he continues.

"So, I know you love the night sky and everything so I knew you'd like it here. I just need to tell you this one thing." His voice is shaking and I don't really know what's coming. The silence is so peaceful in this delicate moment. I can see the moons reflection in Ryan's eyes as he turns to face me.


I love you."

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