Chapter Five (E and P)

Start from the beginning

"Well, take your pick and you can ride as much as you like." Tyron whispered.

Savvy paused in her mindless walk. He sounded like he was right behind her. She spun and came face to with his white tee shirt. He was indeed right on her ass. She backed up and took a breath, looking anywhere but at him. She was suddenly super aware that they were alone. Why was he suddenly so close?

Tyron matched each step she took backwards, advancing towards her in slow steps. Feeling the need to flee, she continued her backwards steps as if she knew the place. She didn't, though. This was his playground. When her back pressed against what could only be a stall, she was forced to face this craziness. There was no escape. Looking up into his, she asked the only question that kept ringing in her head. "What?" She asked. It was meant to be a powerful question, but it came out in with a sigh. That pissed her off.

Tyron slid into her personal space as if he belonged there. He hovered, above her so close, and yet at no point did they touch. Savvy wanted to lean into him. She hated that. "You probably want to walk behind me," he said lowly, his minty breath fanning her face. "Or beside me, but walking in front of me like that,it won't work for me."

"Why," she asked?

"Because walking behind you, watching your ass sway from side to side," Tyron licked his lips, before biting down on the bottom one. "It makes me want to get close, close enough for you to feel what you do to me. Your ass looks delicious in those jeans."

"What do I do to you," she asked? Savvy was feeling daring right now and dammit, she just wanted to know. Was he really attracted to her? Or was she on the menu because of their current situation? For all she knew, any woman in nice jeans, with a fat ass could turn him on.

Tyron said nothing. Instead, he placed one hand beside her head and pressed his hips against hers. It was a slight touch and yet she felt him, hard as a rock. Savvy moaned and closed her eyes. It had been a long time since she had felt so turned on. She couldn't resist moving against him as well.

He slid both hands down her back to her hips to grip the current object of his obsession. They were chest to chest, and she was engulfed in his energy. "Are you ready for that, Savannah, because we can make it happen? Anytime, any place."

With a sigh, Savvy shook her head. Tyron immediately stepped back. She wasn't ready, not for real. She appreciated him giving her fifty feet. He leaned casually against a nearby pole, looking at her, look at him. He still looked like a steak dinner to her, so she looked away first, her eyes falling on an all black horse over his shoulder.

When she was nervous or embarrassed, she always got to asking questions. Usually it was random, dumb questions. So she asked the first question that popped into her head. "Is that one tamed?"

Tyron looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Actually, that's my horse," he said. "She's very well trained and yes, you can ride her. Her name is Beauty."

"Like Black Beauty?" Savvy asked laughing, feeling the tension from moments ago leaving.

"That was a good show." He said, shrugging his big shoulders, looking boyish. Savvy shook her head and continued to laugh.

Tyron stopped laughing first. He came towards her again, and the tension returned like a reignited flame. "Remember what I said," he said softly, "anytime, any place, but for now lets ride. Come on..." he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the black stallion.

She watched as he got two horses ready and soon they were off on their started ride. They rode in silence and had been riding for a while when Savvy stopped to look at the sunset. It really was a beautiful day and as much as she hated to admit it, she had fun today. Not the party type of fun she usually had. No, this was another level of fun. It was refreshing and new, which only added to the appeal. It kind of bugged her that Tyron wasn't a complete a complete jerk.

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