Making Decisions

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Connor felt horrible, he had been thinking, and just realized how much of an asshole he really is. He has been flirting with Jude for the past couple of days for no reason, complimenting him here and there, giving him cute pet names, and at one point he even fucked him! He has been cheating on Daria this whole time, not once telling her about anything! He took advantage of Jude when he got angry, and at the same time he was cheating on the love of his life. What has gotten into Connor lately? He's loosing himself!

"I can't keep living like this" Connor said. "Something's gotta give" he continued.
So Connor decided on what he was going to do, and he vowed to go along with that plan, which he did for a while, but not for long.
A/N: 140 words, really Shanx?! You could do WAY better than that! I usually write 1.7K words, idk what's been happening to me lately, I barely update, and when I do it's shir. Nobody really reads these story's anymore, and I get zero feedback. Maybe I should just delete all my stories and change my name to Shanx_UsedToWrite

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