The Day After (unedited)

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Connor's pov

I woke up to my arms wrapped around what I thought was Daria's waist.

But then I open my eyes, to see a sleeping Jude. My eyes widen, a naked sleeping Jude. (A/N: if you're confused go read the ending of the last chapter)

Oh no...

I peeked under the covers, and I was naked too

Oh god, no. We had sex

I quickly, and quietly put my clothes back on, tip-toeing out his room, then down the stairs, then right back up because his moms were in the kitchen.

Well I guess I just have to sneak out the window, and so I did just that.

Jude's pov

I woke up to Mariana yelling through the other side of the door "Jude wake up, breakfast is ready"

"Five more minuets" I groaned.

"Can I come in?" She asked

I opened my eyes and saw I was shirtless, that's weird I never sleep shirtless.

"Jude, the door's locked" she said jiggling the doorknob

... I also never lock my door?

"Hold on, I'm coming" I said, getting up, to have a sharp pain in my backside.

Oh, now I remember why my door is locked, also why I'm naked.

How am I suppose to play this one off?

"Um Mariana, could you come back later, I need to change into my clothes"

"Um, okay?" She was very confused, and I know she would be asking a million questions later

So I walked to my closet, with a lot of troubles, and put on my clothes.

I went down the stairs slowly, feeling pain with each step I took.

I took a seat on the stool by the island trying not to wince in pain.

"Jude, what took you so long getting ready?" She asked

"Uh, I just couldn't decide on what to wear" I lied

She nodded, but I could tell she wasn't buying it.

"Your door was locked." She said

"Yeah, so?" I asked

"Well, you never do that-" she was interrupted by my phone dinging from a text... Saved by the bell

It read: hey could you come over? We need to talk.

'Sure' I replied

"Sorry, gotta go, Connor wants me over" I said quickly leaving before she could say anything else

So I went across the street and knocked on his door

"Hi" I said
"Hey." We just stood there looking at each other for a good 50 seconds
"Uh, come in" he said moving aside so I could walk through the door, I just gave him a small smile, which flattened when I saw Daria was here.

"Hey Jude" she gave me a warm smile

"Oh, hi Daria" I faked smiled and hugged her

"So, what are we doing?"  I asked

"Watching a movie" Daria replied happily

"Oh cool" I replied plopping down on the couch, I probably shouldn't've done that.

I groaned

"Oh my god, Jude, are you okay?" She asked worriedly

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said

Connor looked at me worriedly knowing what was wrong.
"Hey I need some help in here" Connor said

"Alright" I said, I needed an excuse to talk to him, alone.

"Oh, I've got it Jude, you can just rest" she smiled

"No it's okay, I've got this" I said quickly getting up and leaving before she could

"Hey, are you good? Is your umm.. Your-"
I cut him off "my ass? No, it hurts like hell."

"I'm sorry" he said feeling guilty
"I bet you are" I said
"What's she doing here?" I asked changing the subject a little

"Who Daria? Umm, she is my girlfriend.." He said

"Yeah, but you had sex with me..."

"Yeah, so?" He shrugged

"Are you fucking kidding me? You cheated on your girlfriend, what do you mean 'so'?!" I asked

"I mean, it's not really cheating if it doesn't mean anything to you right?" He asked

"Yes, yes it is still cheating, and if it didn't mean anything to you, then why'd you do it, why'd you do me?" I smirked

"My step dad doesn't like me, and he's turning my dad against me" he whisper

"What?" I asked, silence.

"You used me?! You took advantage of me, Connor you took my virginity!" I raised my voice

"Would you lower your voice? And it's not like you didn't stop me." He tried to defend himself

"I asked you why you kissed me, you didn't answer me Connor, I let you have sex with me because I like you, I can't believe I was stupid enough to think you'd like me back." I stormed out of the kitchen, and instead of going home, I just sat there next to Daria.

Connor came in with the popcorn

Daria dogged in right away "awe man, the popcorn's cold" she pouted

"What took you guys so long?" She asked

"Just lost track of time" he said

"What does that even m-oh shh, the movie is on" she interrupted herself, even though she was the only one talking

After the movie was over we just chilled and talked

"I can't wait until we get older, then we could get married, and finally have kids" Daria beamed at Connor
"Have you guys had sex yet?" I asked without hesitation

Connor choked on his drink, while Daria just simply replied with "No, we're waiting until marriage"

"Oh, isn't that cute" I said sarcastically, smiling at Connor.


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