Day One of MY New Life

Start from the beginning

He filled it out and then said, "These ones aren't sent to the bank like the others. These ones go on the seal here and are sent to the Clan bank run by the Hyúga clan."

Hiashi wasn't shocked when a payment request came in. He was used to it. He took it and went through everything. He found the account and spit his tea across the room.

The others stared and he said, "Get Sarutobi now!"

When he came in he said, "What is wrong Hiashi?"

"Maelstrom is home." said Hiashi

Hiruzen froze wide eyed and said, "Your sure?"

"Grocery reciet for his clan account." said Hiashi, "He's home sir. And he just got there."

Hiruzen said, "Alright I'll go check on him. And make sure it really is him. I'll send one of my men back so you can approve that."

"Very well sir." said Hiashi leaving it in the book so he could find it.

Hiruzen went to the house and said, "Wait out here. I am sorry but i don't want it getting out if it is him."

"Its alright sir." said the Anbu together

When he went into the house the security seals went off. Naruto freaked and ran out. He grabbed the note that appeared on the wall.

He said, "Jus drein jus daun."

The security system shut down. And Naruto saw him and went wide eyed. Hiruzen was shocked and it showed. Naruto took off running. Hiruzen was confused. Naruto fell as he rounded a corner. He hit the back stairs as Hiruzen ran up the main set. He was there at yhe same time as Naruto. Naruto was breathing fast and looked terrified.

Before Hiruzen could say anything Naruto ran for the room. He slid in and shut the door. He went to the bed and was sitting against the bed. He grabbed the cloak off it and was hugging it.


Hiruzen felt his heart breaking and said, "I know it's yours Naruto. It's not an issue. I promise I'm not angry and your not in trouble."

Naruto sniffled and hugged his dad's jacket tightly. And said, "I'm not in trouble?"

"Of course not. Why would you be? I knew you were their child. My wife delivered you buddy." said Hiruzen

Naruto sent a clone to the door. When it unlocked it the clone dispersed. Hiruzen opened it and saw Naruto sitting against the bed in tears clutching Minato's cloak for dear life.

Hiruzen crouched down and said, "May i come in Naruto-kun?"

Naruto merely moved back and Hiruzen merely lowered himself to the ground near the door. And he said, "I'll stay here ok. Now may i ask why you ran away?"

"Cause your the hokage. And i was always told if you ever saw me you would kill me." said Naruto his voice breaking.

Hiruzen said, "Who told you that?"

"The caretakers at the orphanage and the masked nin that were always there." said Naruto

"Which masks Naruto?" said Hiruzen

"All of em. The dog masked man was the only one who never said it. And always got angry when It was said." said Naruto sniffling

"I wouldn't do that ever Naruto. Ok. I care about you as much as i do my sons and my soon to be grandson." said Hiruzen smiling, "You can even call me Grandpa if you wanted to."

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