A Broken Mirror

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I look at the girl in front of me

She looks like me

She sounds like me

but she isn't me.

The girl in front of me cared about what other people thought of her

So she looks like a life-sized Barbie,

weighing less than she should,

wearing too much makeup,

and clothes that barely fit. 

She hangs out with the wrong people,

making her mean, stuck-up, and selfish.

Her old friends look at her and wonder, 'What happened?'

I used to like her,

used to think she was cool.

Now, I hate her with all I have

I hate seeing her everyday,

pushing people around and acting like she's all that

I swing my fist towards her, hitting her face,

glass shattering everywhere,

my hand bleeding and in pain,

tears filling my eyes.

I look up to see her gone,

and in her place,

a broken mirror

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