"What the hell?!" Adrian exclaimed when he had failed to avoid her hit and kicks, "What are you doing?" As a result of one of the female's kicks, the boy fell but he got up only a moment later.

"I'm hitting on you" Hope replied, a grin on her face as she held her band out for the boy to take before she pulled him up.

The Aquilo boy chuckled, "Take it from me, Hope, that is not how it works"

"It's working right now" Hope jumped up high into the air above the boy, landing on a tree branch. Gripping onto the branch with her hands, the girl swung herself and she kicked the male in his chest with both feet, surprising him and making him lose his balance, "I think you just fell for me"

Adrian, now laying on top of the dock on his back, groaned in pain but he didn't move away. The tribrid crouched down beside him when he suddenly sat up, stretching out his arms with palms pressing on Hope's. Pushing the girl, the male was able to wrestle her to the ground, keeping her down until she gave in and pushed him off.


The Aquilo boy laid down beside the female, panting, "I might need an ambulance"

Hope furrowed her eyebrows, turning to lay on her side to face the boy, "What? Why?"

"I think I broke my leg falling for you"

After their sparring — wrestling session, the two wolf borns took seats on the docks with the picnic basket Hope had prepared in front of them. They were sitting with their feet in the cool water and paper plates filled with spaghetti in their hands.

"So what's the most annoying thing about me?" Adrian questioned.

"You sometimes talk when you have food in your mouth, you swear a lot and then we have your constant use of straws" The auburn-haired girl answered, "You shouldn't be using them"

The male rolled his eyes, "I know, I know. It's bad for the environment"


"Adrian" Hope placed her hand on the boy's free one that rested on the wood just two inches away from hers. She sighed, "It's just a really weird way to eat spaghetti"

"Speaking of" The boy set his plate down behind him, "You have some ketchup right here"

"Where?" The female tried to lick the ketchup off but she couldn't find it. She brought her finger up to her face, circling her like to find this spot of ketchup. Pointing at different directions, the ketchup spot was only getting harder and harder to find, "Here? Or here?"

"Nowhere" Hope furrowed her brows when Adrian moved his hand from under the girl's and attempted to wipe the ketchup away, but it didn't go away because there was nothing there. With his hand already under her chin, the boy cupped her chin and leaned in to kiss her. The kiss was short but sweet and it definitely took the female by surprise.

The teens pulled away and the tribrid's gaze fell which in turn made the young Aquilo boy doubt his previous actions, "Hope, I didn't—"

The female glanced back up at the boy before she moved closer to him, pulling him in for another sweet kiss.

"Aw, how cute" A voice spoke from behind them.

The two pulled away from each other and turned around to find that the owner of the voice was none other than Jed who had been passing by on his way back to the school after his run. The Aquilo boy growled as Jed passed the docks and made his way to the main building, "Goddammit Jeff"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now