'We haven't known each other long. We don't know each other Bradley' I state the fact

'But we will Lacey. Don't just push me away before we can. I know enough for now, I like you' he speaks gently

I nod without words. Knowing I have to stay focused. Knowing that once he knows he won't want anything to do with me. He will hate me. He won't want to know me. So I stay silent. Enjoying this silent moment with him still holding me.

Before I pull away and step around him. Confusion sets over his face as he looks at me. 'I have to get dressed. I have a meeting with Mark and Joe in an hour '

'Oh er okay. Do you want me to come with?' He questions as he cocks his head to the side

'Oh no it's alright. Stay here I won't be long. And when I come back we Can all hang out'

'Okay perfect. We will all get dressed for when your back then'

'Alright. See you when Im back and make yourself at home'

I quickly make my way through and chuck on any comfortable outfit I can.

I move quickly around my penthouse, gathering my things before heading to the door and rushing to my meeting

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I move quickly around my penthouse, gathering my things before heading to the door and rushing to my meeting

Pulling up outside, I quickly pay the taxi driver and jump out. Making my way inside I'm stopped by a women. Blonde, dressed in a tight little red dress.
It's low on her chest and short on her legs. I stop and raise an eyebrow in question

'Can I help you?' I fade of the sentence not being aware of her name

'Oh yes,
I'm Megan. Call me Meg. I was wondering if I could have Bradley's number from you? I lost my phone and lost all contacts' her voice high pitched and annoying already

'Oh, sorry I can't do that. You would have to ask him. It's not my place. Now if you would excuse me, I have a meeting'

I try to side step her but she moves in front of me once again. 'But I'm his girlfriend. Surely you can?' I snap my eyes to hers with anger before chuckling.

God, never thought to be thankful of my training. But I am.I know the warning signs to show if your lying. And she has shown them. 1. Her eyes refuse to meet mine. 2. Her right eye twitched and 3. Her lips trembled with nerves

'No need to lie to me love. I still wouldn't give his number out. But I'd be sure to pass on the message. Now I have a meeting so I must go'

Her eyes widen but I am already past her before she can even utter a word in any attempt to stop me.

Reaching mark's office, I politely knock and hear permission to enter.

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