3- jordan has a new girlfriend

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Jordan POV

Im walking into the school when I see my friends

Alex Dorame
Her boyfriend Johnnie Guilbert

Shannon Taylor
Her boyfriend Tyler hagen

Bryan Stars

Kyle David Hall

then I see bella and her friends

Jeydon Wale
His girlfriend Samm Rochelle

His girlfriend Lexi

Her boyfriend Jack

Your probably asking how I know all of them well we have the same classes.

Kyle- hey jordan

Jordan - hi kyle

Kyle - do you know bella quinn

Jordan - kinda

Kyle- well I wanted to ask her out

Jordan - hell no

Kyle - what

Jordan - you are not asking her out cause I heard another guy is going to ask her out

Kyle- oh who

Jordan - ummm Ben

Kyle- like red hair ben

Jordan - umm sure

Kyle - oh well thanks

I walk to bella

Jordan - umm Bella can I talk to you for a second

Bella - umm sure

Jordan - um please don't hate me soo I know you hate me but ever since the first day of school I saw you and I knew you were perfect. So would you like to go on a date with me but it's secret. At school we hate each other

Bella - umm sure

Jordan - bye quinn

Bella - bye sweeto

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