"Why have you locked yourself up in here for the last five days?" The boy asked.

The auburn-haired girl's tears had dried but the reason she was upset was still deeply hurting her. To be fair, she hadn't locked herself up in her room the whole week, she had just been avoiding Adrian but decided to stay in her room for the last twenty-four hours— it was the anniversary. His anniversary. The two year anniversary of Klaus Mikaelson's death.

The tribrid glanced up at the boy for a moment before she looked away, sighing. She didn't mean to be dramatic but this wasn't a topic she'd bring up with just anybody but then again, Adrian wasn't just anybody to her and she knew it. That was part of the reason she stayed away.

The Aquilo boy sighed, taking a seat beside Hope on the ottoman, "I didn't mean to hurt you by taking her to the dance— Okay, I did. But not, like directly. I mean, yes, I took Lizzie to the dance but you turned me down before I had the chance to ask you. So, I went with someone who actually wanted to go with me"

"I thought it would only be awkward so yeah, I turned you down" The girl admitted, she paused for a moment, hesitating. Telling him would only boost his ego but she did it anyway, "It annoyed me"

The male looked up, "What?"

"That you took Lizzie to the dance" Hope repeated, speaking clearly this time, "It bothered me for a moment but I'm over it"


Adrian nodded, a remark wanting to leave his mouth but it didn't. He sat in silence beside the girl. She let out a frustrated groan, "I don't get you, Adrian. I yell— No, scream at you and you're still here. I tell you to leave me the hell alone so you'll turn your back and let me live with my mistakes and— and you're still here. I even said some idiotic things about your parents—"

"I said some stuff too" The boy began but the tribrid wouldn't hear any of it.

Hope shook her head, "No, it doesn't excuse what I said" She reached for his hand and held it in hers, an unreadable expression on her face. The boy looked at their hands and the girl let go. She sighed, "I should've have said that. I know you didn't do it... Out of all people, I should know how much it hurts to hear people talk shit about one's parents and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I was angry and—"

Adrian gestured to the mess in the room, "Is this about your parents? I know that they're not here but—"

The Auburn haired girl nodded slowly, "It is" She sighed, "I— I guess something in me just snapped. I've been avoiding you for days and uh I recently started to hang out with Penelope who's basically—"

"Satan's reincarnation" The two finished in unison.

"Yeah..." Hope sighed, "She taught me some black magic spells and Dr. Saltzman caught me practicing. He said that this was my second strike. He said that if I continued, I— I was going to turn out like my dad... How my dad was when he didn't care..." The boy furrowed his brows at this. From what he had heard, Klaus Mikaelson was a great man but then again, everything Adrian knew about the hybrid had been told by Hope Mikaelson herself— except for some whispers about him snapping necks for days to keep his daughter safe.

"Before my parents had me, my father used to terrorize this town and its inhabitants. I— i don't wanna be like that. He wouldn't want me to. I've done enough already by being reckless but there's something in me— something that says give into the darkness if only just a little. Just try it out... But I can't. The moment I'm about to do something I think about my parents, would they want me to do it? Is it right?..." Hope let out a shaky breath, "I'm supposed to be worth the sacrifice. I mean, I'm the reason they're gone. So, to make it somewhat right I have to at least try to be the good daughter. I was their only child"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now