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All three of the boys look slightly beat when they join me in the car. Dimitri's eyes are bloodshot and Grayson has a hickey on his neck that matches the same color as the bags under his eyes. Even Landon looks worn from this morning, his eyebrows are furrowed together.

"Alright boys..."

"Why do you even call us that?" Dimitri interrupts. "I mean you're only a year older than us. Actually, I think Grayson's older than you are by a month!"

I smirk at him. "I'll tell you what. The day that I don't have to wake you all up in the morning and force ya'll out of bed and kick out your 'girlfriends', is the day that I'll stop calling you boys, boys." I turn to Grayson. "How was getting rid of your lady friend this morning?"

He has the decency to look sheepish. "Yeah... usually I make sure not to sleep with the crazy ones. My mistake. Although..." he raises his eyebrows and smiles, "the crazy ones are usually the best in bed."

I groan in exasperation. It's too early for this, even if I started it. I search through my bag until I find eye drops and concealer. I hand them over to the back seat. "Dimitri, use the eye drops. Grayson, cover that hickey. You don't want the radio hosts to see that and capitalize on your reputation."

Grayson smirks but does as I tell him. Despite all our banter, they know that I'm right, and they respect me for it. I've been in this business long enough to know what I'm doing. I may be only twenty, but I have more experience in this lifestyle than most thirty year olds have. There's an advantage to that. People tend to underestimate me until they see me in action. That's where I prove my worth.

The driver starts the car and pulls onto the crowded city street. Just as I expected, traffic is already beginning to form across the various intersections, even at this hour. In all honesty, it would be faster to walk but that's not even a feasible idea. All I have to do is look out the window and see the various groups of girls that are now chasing our car down the street in order to determine that. I wonder if the boys knew that this was the life that was in store for them when the signed up for this? The music, the fame, the recognition, all comes with baggage. No one really emphasizes the lack of sleep and lack of privacy, although anyone getting into the business should have some idea that that's what's in store. Is the payoff worth it though? I glance back at the backseat. They all still look exhausted but there's something else in their countanences that's more important. There's still a spark in each one of their eyes. They're excited, young, naïve, and that gives them the energy to keep on going. And of course, they've all got each other. I guess the answer to if it's worth it depends on the person. For them, at least for now, it definitely is.

Before long, we've pulled up to the station's building. The bodyguards hop out from the car behind us and open the doors before forming a wall between the boys and the paparazzi and screaming fans that have already begun to spill over the sidewalk in front of the building. I have to admit, that's dedication- stalking people before it's even eight o'clock in the morning. I turn to the boys as they get out. "Alright, I'll see you all in there. Remember, smile, look happy, and try to make it look genuine!" I tease.

Landon rolls his eyes at me before a smile escapes from him. It is genuine. As I look at all of them, all of their smiles are real. For them, these moments are still magical. They're living in their fantasies that they had ever since they were little. The lights and flashes from the cameras of photographers, the backdrop of screaming girls, this was the lifestyle they wanted. As they get out of the car, their shoulders straighten with an aora of confidence and they wave to the photographers while making their way over to their fans to sign autographs. I follow behind them, unnoticed by the the chaos surrounding me. I'm okay with it though. I prefer to fade into the background.

Once we go through and shut the doors behind us, the volume of the noise significantly drops. We make our way over to the elevator where I press the button for the tenth floor.

"Alright. You all know what you have to do right?"

All of them nod in response.

"Okay just some last minute reminders then. Landon, you try to answer most of the logistical questions- new songs, tour details, love for the fans. You're the best at conveying excitement about that. Grayson, it's okay if you play up your player character but don't go overboard with it, remember some of your fans are still in the 10-14 year-old demographic. If anything, it's best to hint at it so that people are intrigued but you're not shoving it in their faces. Joke around about it if they ask any questions, that's the best way to address it. And Dimitri," I stare directly into his eyes to convey the seriousness of my words, "don't bring up the partying. If they ask any questions about it either laugh it off or completely deflect the question and change the subject. That shouldn't be a problem for you at all." I change my position so that way that I can look at all of them. "You guys got this. You've nailed all your interviews so far and this shouldn't be a problem." I quirk a grin at them. "Good-luck." The elevators doors ding open and they all file out.

"Thanks for the advice, mom" Dimitri mocks as he steps out of the elevator.

Well that's a new nickname. I scowl at them, my hands on my hips. "Mom? When did I suddenly get the assigned the title of mom?"

"We decided it when we were signing autographs," Grayson butts in. "Like you said, we're basically boys and since you're always telling us what to do, you're basically like our mom," he teases.

"It was Grayson's idea," Landon whispers to me. I laugh. Of course it was. I keep my hands on my hips. "Well in that case, you boys have a great day. Make new friends, learn something!" I jest. I drop my playful expression. "But in all seriousness, be friendly to the interviewers. You make their job easier, they'll make your job easier. And if they..."

"Alright mom! We got this!" Grayson says to me.

"Alright, alright." I hold my hands up in surrender. We walk up to the studio door. "I guess this is where I drop you off." I pretend to wipe away a fake tear. "Be good boys today, make your mom proud."

They all burst out laughing before walking through the door. Right before the door closes they whisper to each other and all call out at the same time, "Bye mom, we love you!"

A faint whisper of a smile remains on my face long after the door closes. Over the last few months of the tour it would be a lie if I said I hadn't begun to care about them in the midst of rushing around. My only hope is that they won't be ruined by the machine of the music business.

I stretch my legs and recline back into my chair. From behind the glass I can see that the interview is about to start. The host clears his throat before plastering a smile on his face.

"Good morning New York! I've got here with me the new up and coming band, well I say that relatively. You would have to be living under a rock not to hear about these guys! They just released their first album and are on their first tour. Their album is at the top of the charts and their tour is sold out! They're the epitome of teenage fantasies- it's 'Friday Pressure'!"

I continue to recline back in my chair for the whole interview. They've gotten the hang of it by now. They know when to laugh, when to be serious, when to be quieter. When you're dealing with the music machine, sometimes the key performance is off stage, not on. So far, they're nailing both. They only need to keep it up.

The Boy Band's Manager (The Simple Life)Where stories live. Discover now