The Wife Of A Warman

Start from the beginning

*3 weeks later*

Miranda's pov

I get a letter and my God! A picture of Jason! He's still alive!! Thank God. His hair is longer and that's weird. He looks sad. I mean he's smiling but in his eyes, he looks tired and sad. I grab the letter.

Dear my beloved,
I'm so glad to hear from you. I was worried I never would. I am okay for now but my dad's not. He came with me and died. I almost gave up then and there but thoughts of you kept me going along with my new friend you see in the picture. He pulled me to safety when I was too shocked to move. I will make it home to you baby girl. I promise. You will see me again.
Love the muddy cowboy in the picture.

I laugh slightly. "You are muddy." I mumble, looking at the picture. Mom walks in holding Jack. "Jason's okay." I whisper. She hugs me. "I'm so glad."

*a few years later*

Jason's pov

I open the door to my mom's house. I don't know if she knows that dad died. I hear moving around in the kitchen. I walk in and see mom doing dishes. She doesn't know I'm here. "I'm starting to wish that maid never quit." She mumbles, surprising me. "Mom." She spins around, a hand to her chest. "Jason! Oh my gosh!" She gasps, hugging me. "Hey mom told ya I'd make it home." "I thought you were dead!" I shake my head and hug her tight. "I'm not..... But dad didn't make it." She was already crying. She sits down at the table, her head in her hands. "Mom, you okay?" "Yeah.... I'm so glad you're home. I missed my son." "I missed you too mom." Thanks to the war it pulled the economy out of the depression. Since the factories made bullets and guns for us and the economy soared from it. I know what I have to do. "Mom, can I get that ring off your finger?" She glances at it. "What for?" "I need it."

Miranda's pov

Jack runs into my room, breathing heavily. I shake my head at the silly kiddo. "Quit running." I say. "Hide me!" He gasps. I laugh, hearing dad's foot stomps. "I'm gonna get you Jack." He says. There's a knock on the front door. I leave the silly boys of the family to themselves and walk downstairs. Mom's asleep. I open the door and my jaw drops in shock. "Jason, is that you?" I whimper, shakily. He nods. "Just got home. It's so good to see you again!" I hug him tight. "I thought I'd never see you again!" I gasp, crying on his shoulder. He's so much taller now and his muscles have gotten big probably from holding a heavy gun.

Jason's pov

Wow. She's even more beautiful than I remember. Long dark brown hair. Sparkling blue green eyes with that little tint of brown. Gosh she's beautiful. Her great great grandmother's ring rests in my pocket. "Are your parents home?" I ask, holding her hands. "Yeah. Mama's sleeping and Daddy's playin' with Jack." Jack? "Oh my gosh! You haven't met my baby brother yet!" She hollers for her dad and he walks downstairs carrying a three year old. The baby brother. Jack. "Daddy! Jason's home!" Her saying daddy makes me think of dad. He walks over. "I'm glad you made it home." He says, shaking my hand. I take my hat off and my jacket. "Not to be rude sir, but just curious. Why weren't you drafted?" "They needed factory workers and that was me." He sets Jack down. "Cute kid." I mumble, remembering my younger years. Oh wait! I just remembered. One of the main reasons I'm here. "Sir, the war is over. They're having a celebration in Georgia. I was wondering if I could take my wife with me." They both look confused which is what I was hoping for. "Wife?" Her dad asks. "Yeah if she'll have an ol Georgia cowboy." I get down on one knee pulling out the old ring. "Will you marry me?" I ask. "Oh my gosh! Yes!" She gasps, hugging me. I put the ring on her finger and kiss her passionately. "Nana's ring." She whispers. I smile and hold her tight, my arms around her waist, hers around my neck. "I figured it belonged on your finger." I say, smiling. "Oh Jason, I love you." She says. "I love you too." I say, kissing her again. And I know if dad were still here, he'd be smiling down proudly.


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