Once upon a time!

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The Lonely Princess

*antra starts reading the story 📖*

Once upon a time... *rv tease her by playing with her hairs*

Raghuuuu.... *antra scremed*

Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Glora, lived a young princess, the king’s youngest daughter. Her name was Isabelle and she was the sweetest girl in the entire kingdom, more playful, funny and adorable than her older sisters, Juliette and Rose.

"Ahaaan" said rv

Rose was amazingly beautiful, the only prettier girl in the kingdom was her older sister Juliette.

"Juliette! Arey waah" rv shouts

"Gandi wali Juliette rv" antra said

"Accha" he replied

But, as beautiful as they were, they were cruel. They would tease Isabelle, calling her ugly and saying she should stop playing with her toys and brush her hair more instead.

"Haww very bad" rv said

Isabelle ignored them. She loved playing with her dolls, hosting tea parties and dances in the palace gardens. Her dolls never called her names or told her what to do, they loved her and they were her best friends. Even with the dolls, thought, Isabelle was lonely.

"So sad..." rv exclaimed

The King, Geoffrey, hated seeing his youngest and favourite daughter so upset. He spent as much time with Isabelle as he could, but his duties to the Kingdom meant he was away for a lot of the time. He tried to get Juliette and Rose to be nicer to Isabelle, but they said no.

*rv again played with her hairs and tickels her*

"Rv nahi.... Please...." antra laughed

"Let me continue" she continued the story

One summer’s day, King Geoffrey got word that a young prince, Dorian, was on his way from the Kingdom of Meadowhill to find himself a future bride. He was a year younger than Juliette, a year older than Rose and two years older that Isabelle. They were all excited to see him.

"Kya baat hai..." rv exclaimed

He talked with Juliette first. She told Dorian about the long hours she spent brushing her hair, which was impressively long, dark and straight. Rose’s was just as dark and straight but not quite as long. Isabelle’s was blonde and would not brush straight no matter how hard her sisters tried.

*rv came to antra's lappy, kept his head and peeped in the book*

"Rv..... Chup chap suno, masti nahi..." antra said and continued

Prince Dorian became bored of all the talk of hair and moved on to talk to Rose. She tried to impress him with talk of the King’s court and all the nobles she knew. Prince Dorian soon became bored of this talk too, and moved to talk to Isabelle.

"Princess ka number kab aayega?" rv asked

"Ayega rv just listen" antra said

“You’re beautiful,” he said, making Isabelle go red.

"Red? Like you?!" rv said happily

"Suno rv..." antra continued

“Her?” Juliette cried, “but she’s so ugly!”

“Look at her hair, it’s so messy!” Rose screamed.

“It’s her eyes,” Prince Dorian declared. “She has beautiful eyes.”

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