Home Sweet Home

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"Mom, Grandpa, Souta I'm home!"
"Kagome!" They said in unison, "Where have you been Kagome?" Her mother asked "I've been in the feudal era, mother" she answered
She could not bear to tell them what she been through in risk of her family getting hurt. "We've missed you, Kagome," her grandfather said "You were gone for so long, we thought we'd never see you again." He said solemnly "Well, at least you're back Kagome," Souta said "It's good to see you back in one piece at least" he joked "Let's get inside for dinner everyone" her mother said in tears
They all walked back holding Kagome

Back in the Feudal Era

'Mate could not have gotten far' beast thought
"I thought the same, but it seems our little miko has gotten far" sesshomaru said
'I will let you take over now, master' the beast said
'But I will be back for mate.' With that said the beast retreated back into Sesshomaru's conscious
" I will find her and when I do, she will regret leaving the western lands" he thought

Sesshomaru' RegretWhere stories live. Discover now