Leaving Sesshomaru

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'Keep running, Kagome, Keep running!' Kagome chanted to herself mentally. Dodging low hanging branches, and jumping over thick tree roots. Kagome was running like her life depended on it. Trying to escape her powerful mate, Sesshomaru of the Western Lands, and the pain that came along with with him.
' Get up you filthy wench' her mate Sesshomaru said
Trying to avoid punishment as much as possible she got up without a word, obediently
'Clean yourself up and stay out of my presence, you hideous beast!' Sesshomaru sneered at her as he said those cruel words, and as he did that he grabbed her by her hair, with a vice grip that had her begging for him to stop
'Please let go! I'll do as you say, I promise! Just let go!' She begged as he tightened his grip
'Yes you will do as I say, cause if you don't, you will be punished.... Greatly.' He said
He dropped her to the ground, unceremoniously
'Do as I say and get out of my sight! I will never know why I mated something so hideous and inferior to my race' He said
'If you never wanted to mate me, why are we mates now?' Kagome thought
Flashback ended
'Sesshomaru will never hurt me again' Kagome vowed, as long as she was somewhere where Sesshomaru could never get to, or does not know about she's safe from him
As she neared towards the bone eaters well, she could feel the power radiating from it, pressing against her own. Once she got to it she heard a thunderous roar from her so called "mate". That roar was enough motivation for her to jump in the well and she didn't look back. As the very familiar blue light encased her, she looked towards her future and it was looking very bright.

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