Facts You Should Know Before You Read.

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Well. Here I go.

I love to write about myself.

Meiko (Sakine) is my cover because I look a little like her. And I love Meiko. She's a babe.

My first homosexual crush was Peridot. Some may argue that "Gems don't have genders", and I totally agree, but the whole she/her, the appearance, the voice...I'm pretty sure she's somewhat feminine. //DISCLAIMER I WAS ATTRACTED TO THE TALL PERIDOT NOT THE SMALL JFC//

I'm totally ashamed to say my first homo crush was a fictional fucking alien.

I like to swear. It's like an icebreaker.

I envy people with friends.

I envy people in a good relationship, both RP and real.

I made those RP groups to put up the facade that I have friends.

I have one internet friend. She's amazing.

Don't fucking talk to me unless you're ready to talk to me for months upon months, motherfuckers.

When people stop talking to me, it's like karma.

I'm probably the loneliest person on here.

I don't want people pitying me. Ever. (That means don't comment "Aww I'll be your friend!" unless you mean it.)

I'm slowly developing a crush on someone. But I've never met them IRL.

I can never pick a favorite OC of mine, I love them all. All 20 Something of them.

I've always wanted a ferret.

I have a hamster named Len. My sister has one named Rin. (Wink.)

I love the color green.

I do a lot for my friends, but I feel so unappreciated.

I'll draw anything for anyone.

I never vent through drawings/writing.

I may get back to writing fan fictions.

I never want anyone to loathe talking to me. (That means stop if you don't want all this.)

I pretend I'm confident a lot.

My birthstone is an Emerald.

The Undertale pacifist route has made me cry twice.

Flowey is my favorite Undertale character.

I collect Vocaloid Pullips/Dolls. (It's an expensive hobby. I have Luka, Miku and Rin so far.)

I talk to one person regularly on here. That's it.

I just want some friends tbh. That'd be amazing, thanks.

I've role-played with my cousin before.

If you don't message me regularly, I feel like I'm being pushed aside.

I'm VERY needy, I've been told.

I hate double texting. I feel like I'm being annoying.

I get mad/sad easily.

My mood can change fast depending on circumstances. (Like if someone brushes shoulders with me in public I'll get salty real fast.)

I've had one boyfriend and three crushes. All crushes on females.

That's all I can think about. 

I'm fully aware that little to no one will read this, and that's okay. I just want somewhere to go to vent.

If you read all of this, pat yourself on the damn back kiddo.


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