(4) Blue Streamers

Start from the beginning

"You get what I'm talking about?"

Realization dawned on both of their faces like the rising sun. 

"Oh yes, we get it!" Kim said excitedly. "Shall we met back somewhere for tea after we've finished then?"

I looked at my watch, it was just past 3.30 p.m. “How about we meet back at the food court at 5.30 and get some dinner then?"

They all nodded, Gee and Kim already starting to edge away from the group. 

"Sounds good, see you guys then!"

"Don't forget to get your costumes for Saturday!" I yelled after their retreating backs.

"We won't!"

I turned to Flora, a smile on my face as I slyly threw my arm around her shoulder. 

"Soooooo  ..." I dragged out. " I don't suppose you want to tell me what you were talking about before?"

"Nope," She said cheekily, taking a packet of gum out of her pocket and offering it to me. I shook my head and she shrugged, sliding a piece into her mouth.

"Come on." I whined. "Please tell me, I promise that I won't tell anyone that you told! I'll still act surprised!"

Flora shook her head. "No way, you are just going to have to wait, and anyway, you can't act to save yourself."

I pouted but she merely grinned and grabbed my hand. "Come on Birthday girl, lets go and get party stuff!"

I sighed but gave in, knowing that if she was determined, she wouldn't tell. 

So, for the next hour and a half, we rushed around the mall, buying all of the things that we would need to make the house look awesome for Saturday. Although we weren't part of the popular group at school, we were well liked and had a good reputation for throwing awesome parties.

"How many balloons do you think we will need?" I questioned, frowning as I held up a packet of twenty multi colored balloons. Flora grabbed the packet and tossed it aside.

"More than twenty!" she scoffed as she rummaged through the bin that held balloons. Finally she held up a packet triumphantly. I peered at the number on the packet.

"Only 150? Are you sure that will be enough?" I asked sarcastically.

Flora frowned. "Hmm maybe not,” she muttered, and before I could grab her she had dived back into the bin, balloon packets flying in every direction as she rummaged around like a dog searching for scraps of food in a rubbish can.

I rolled my eyes and headed on over to the next isle, looking for anything stream related. Decorating the house with streamers would be the most fun for me. I love hanging them from the ceiling and railings in odd twists, twirling them under the right lighting. My eyes landed on the brightly colored crepe paper and I clapped my hands happily, unable to help myself.

I loved streamers, especially the pretty yellow ones! It was always my favorite color, because for some reason I was always obsessed with the sun.

As I reached up to grab them off the top shelf I heard a loud rustle from behind me. I froze in my spot, my heart starting to beat rapidly. There was a sudden bang that made me squeak and drop the packet I was holding as I spun around furiously glaring at the empty isle. It rolled down the aisle, stopping abruptly in the middle.

I shouldn’t have done when I did next.

I turned to face the balloon station not to far away, poking my head out of the isle. She had to be somewhere, getting a good laugh out of this. "Flora?" I called. "This isn't funny, what are you—“

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