Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

Louis blinked, his eyes tired but not tired enough.

He hadn't got an ounce of sleep, and from where he lay he could see the sun already beginning to stream through the thick curtain in front of him. He tried pulling his cover over his head, flipping to the other side, trying to think happy thoughts.

But he couldn't.

All he could think about was the boy he seemed to see yesterday.

The boy that wasn't Harry.

He debated getting up and seeing if Harry himself was awake, he doubted he was. He just didn't want to be awake by himself, especially since he was alone and the shadows of his room danced around when he stared them down for too long. He sighed loudly, wrenching the covers off and steadily standing up, stretching and yawning while his cold feet pattered over to the bathroom.

Five hours later Harry groggily opened one eye, and then the other. He yawned, covering his mouth with one palm as he surveyed the room, he was slowly getting used to being here- even though this were to be only their second day. He lazily dragged himself away from the now too comfortable bed, and curiously wondered why Louis hadn't woken him up yet.

He checked the time on his phone and groaned, it was ten am. He then decided if Louis weren't there to bother him just yet he had no reason to get up, so he flopped back onto his pillow- burying his face into the softness and blissfully fell back to sleep.


Louis scoured the area around him from where he had been sitting for the past two hours. It was extremely convient to have a dainty little coffee shop just two buildings down from the store he and Harry had visited yesterday, and he had yet found no reason to leave his chair. He picked up his cup of tea and took a small sip, this was his third cup and he was starting to wonder if he should switch to caffeine.

He blinked harshly against the bright sunlight directed at his face and haughtily turned his head in the other direction. The weather was too bland for sun glasses and he wasn't going to make a pompous ass of himself by putting them on.

He debated getting up and walking over to the store, but he hadn't figured out an excuse to linger. He pulled out his phone and a small grin worked its way across his face.


Where are you? Breakfast things I hope.

He finished his cup and stood up, leaving a tip on the table- fastening it under his napkin and started to stride across the street. Breakfast things it was.


Edward rubbed at the crease between his eyebrows, frowning as he stared into his reflection. He just wasn’t satisfied with his morning face today, nor his stubborn hair- which wasn't even curling, just looking like a matted mess. He straightened his hot pink jumper, pouting down at his laziness when leaving home to chose another. Grimacing, he spun around when he caught sight of someone behind him.

At first panic set in, he had always felt safe from all and everything One Direction in his current state of place but then he caught sight of who it was- and his shoulders momentarily slumped in relief.

Ms. O’ Cleary was watching him with amusement, she gestured quickly to his hair and beckoned him forward. He raised his eyebrows but obeyed, bending to lower himself so she could pat his curls into place. He felt his face flush in embarrassment when Joelle’s boss Andrew caught sight of him.

Andrew shot him a wink and a thumb up, his grin wide and teasing.

He quickly moved away from the old lady, muttering thank you.

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